I hail hate to even feel the need to bring this up. I've been at work at my department when even when we have our turnout gear on, holding signs, cones out and our fire trucks lighting up the sky like Broadway, we still have people driving around us and running over our hoses. Even the large diameter to the hydrants. This is at structure fires and accidents. I've never seen any of my coworkers scream, holler or in any other way lose their minds at these people.
Now compare that to what we have seen recorded on video. No identifiable official clothing,no signs out, no cones and an individual cutting across the road in a vehicle bearing no official lighting or markings. ( this doesn't include the fire trucks pulled to the right side of the road earlier in the sequence). There is no reason for any thinking person to assume this guy is anything but some loony that's looking for trouble. Think about how you would expect someone to react if you pulled this same kind of stunt driving YOUR personal vehicle and wearing your normal clothes. It probably wouldn't go well.
If myself, or any of my coworkers would have acted like this, we would have been fired immediately. Our coworkers wouldn't have been defending us out on social media either. There is a certain amount of professionalism that is demanded and expected. That kind of stuff is indefensible. I understand that this was a volunteer, but I was a volunteer back in the day and tried even harder to carry myself in a professional manner so as not to embarrass my department. I also understand that these individuals probably don't go out on a lot of runs and may get overly excited, but when you represent your department out on a road somewhere, you have to reel yourself in and not let your emotions take over your actions. This department needs to sit down to look at this and decide if that is how they should be represented. Blind loyalty shouldn't take precedence over what your eyes can plainly see.
Tony, you are doing the right stuff