November Sprites captured

May 17, 2005
Sant Vicenç de Castellet, Spain
I did not sleep the last two nights - just had to operate the camera up on the mountain to catch sprites. The EuroSprite 2005 campaign is officially over, but the camera was still there to operate via the internet.
The last nights I was lucky having no(t many) clouds over the camera (Pic du Midi, 2877m, southern France) and a storm system over the Mediterranean off the Spanish coast.

Look here for the images:

5 sprites were caught on early 11 Nov, featuring some close-ups, and 7 on early 12 Nov.

Actually, tonight would be another such night, if it weren't for the frontal cloud bands blocking the view to the big storm currently at the French south coast.

Enjoy these mysteries of mother nature....
Congrats on those catches, Oscar! Always enjoying looking at eurosprite website.
I was looking at that storm system yesterday, also today there is pretty impressive deep convection system in southwestern Mediterranean. Cut-off is doing a great job.

Good luck! :wink: