Thanks for the "heads up". I watch very little television these days, but certainly want to catch this!

Darren Addy
Kearney, NE
I saw the ad for this show last night on PBS. I'm definately not going to miss it! :wink:
This episode originally aired May 2004, so for those wondering if this is a new, seperate episode from last year's, it is not.
I watched it last year and I thought that it was pretty good. I will watch it again and would recommend it. If I remember right a lot of the content in the show delt with May 3, 1999. Josh Wurman, Howie Bluestein, and the DOW's are also featured.
I got it on tape last time it aired. It primarily features May 3, 1999 (OKC), April 28, 2002 (La Plata, MD), May 8, 2003 (OKC), May 15, 2003 (Texas Panhandle), and June 24, 2003 (Manchester, SD). Interesting show, although I kind of take issue with their insistence on using "supertwister" to refer to a violent tornado. :roll:
I also watched it and taped it when it first aired. Would definetly recommend everyone here to try and catch it. Was a great program!
Interesting show, although I kind of take issue with their insistence on using "supertwister" to refer to a violent tornado. :roll:

They can call it whatever they want if it gets more people (kids especially) interested in meteorology.

I ended up at OU (in part) from watching Bluestein on an earlier episode of Nova.
Tonight. Figured a reminder might be in order for the day of. I saw it advertised last night and just remembered. I believe it is 7pm central time.
Great show, watched it last year. Check your local listings though as PBS affiliates are pretty independant.
I actually got to participate in the production of some of the computer animation work shown with this program. For those who might be interested in some of the background behind the visualizations shown, there is a web site with some additional details here:

There is a nice slide gallery off of page 2 that includes some scenes from animations that were never shown in the program. We have planned to get a number of the animation sequences (scaled down, as the original versions are 30 fps in HD) posted to a public site for distribution, but this as yet still hasn't happened. Perhaps someday, as we have at least sorted out some of the license disputes.

Well dang. I ended up missing it due to a tennis meet I didn't realize I had.... :(
Just happened to catch that tonight when I was flipping channels at the hotel I'm staying at... Not too much to do when you're stuck 90 miles from home for a 5 week Law Enforcement training academy lol..

Only caught the last 40 minutes of it but looks very good