Not another Storm Chase Tour!

Jun 1, 2008
Greeley, CO
Tornado Reality
With the likely changes occurring this season to Discovery Storm Chasers, I am taking this opportunity to set out on my own in 2012.

-Not just another tour company with packed vans-

I know, they say the storm chase tour market is flooded. What I am offering is not a standard storm chase tour... I am going to be offering a private, 1 vehicle, expedition that I will be leading each chase. We will run a fully equipped Suburban and be offering 4 seats for each 7-day chase event. And no! I am NOT even going to be charging $1,100 a seat a DAY... and some might even call me an "Authentic Pro Storm Chaser" as well.

I bring 12 years of storm chasing and successful tornado forecasting to the table and I am a published Atmospheric Scientist. For 7 full chase days including 8 nights of lodging we will be charging $3,195. This is right around the standard industry rate for non-van tours. We will also be recording the chases in a documentary-reality style, which will be available as a free web mini-series after the season completes.

PS: We will be looking for 1 experienced photographer/videographer/storm chaser to ride along and help capture the season. PM me at if qualified and interested.

Matt Grzych
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