Nikon Coolpix 8.0-Megapixel Digital Camera

Hi Mickey!

I'm not too aware of the american market, but for the price of that Nikon, I would prefer to go with a lower megapixel size and go with a DSLR like the Canon Rebel Digital. At least with a DSLR, you can eventually buy other lenses of your choice!

My 2 cents...
Originally posted by Mickey Ptak
Pardon the ignorance, but what is DSLR? Also why is lower pixel better?


Hello Mick,

It's not that lower megapixel is better, it's just that having 8 megapixels camera for publishing on the web is totally useless. Unless you are expecting to make 11x14" print, the 8 mp camera might be usefull, but having 4, 5 or 6 mp for web publishing or up to prints 8x10" it's way more than fine.

The real reason to use a DSLR, is for the advantage of using several lenses eventually (zoom, telephoto or wide angle). The possibilities are greater with DSLR. I think that if you ask any DSLR users what they prefer between DSLR or regular digital cameras with built in lenses, the answer will be that DSLR rules the market. I personnally use a digital camera with built in lens (Panasonic DMC LC5) and if I would have to buy a camera again it would defenitely be a Canon Digital Rebel... I got the Panasonic only because I had a good deal on it (it's used) and that it uses Leica lenses.
Perhaps the question is: What will you be doing with the camera and the images you take? Give this some thought before deciding on the type of camera, and whether or not another 3 MP is worth $400... You can get a solid 5 MP camrea for about half the price of the Nikon you listed. Depending on the optics, that 5mp camera may not be any less sharp than the 8MP Nikon. (Using Megapixels as the measure of a digicam is pure marketing BS. )

Also, don't forget to factor in another $100+ for spare batteries and a memory card or three.

In terms of price, stay the heck out of the Big Box stores. I'd buy from B&H, Adorama or one of the other reputable mail order houses. One of the better computer hardware sites,, also offers digicams

Well naturally I will be using it for storm photography and who knows what else. Al I can tell you is I want some very good images. I know that quality is user dependent to a certain extent but that’s something I can learn.

I noticed another topic a about the Canon Rebel so hell I guess that's my best bet perhaps.

Now what about a good but relatively cheap lens for the Canon Rebel?

For those eyeballing a non DSLR camera. Keep in mind that, although 8MP pictures are overkill for web publishing and even small prints, higher megapixel cameras allow for more zoom in cropping. My Sony 5 megapixel has a 3x optical zoom, but I'm constantly going in and cropping the image from there, instead of just resizing the whole thing. The higher the MP the more detail and play with image framing and size you will have.
I own the Nikon Coolpix 5700 which is the predecessor to the 8700. Both cameras are virtually identical but the 8700 does have a few additional features and the extra MP. I really like the camera. Exluding my 2003 chases, all the pics in the photo section of my web site were taken with the 5700 and have not been altered except basic cropping. There is a 2x telephoto and .5 wide angle accessory lenses available for the camera but I have never purchased them. If you're not going to produce really large prints than you can save about $400 by getting the 5700 instead of the 8700. If you want blow up stuff that might be marketable than maybe the 8MP is the way to go... otherwise I have not heard much negativity about the Cannon Digital Rebel.
I purchased a nikon coolpix 8800 at the end of last year and am mostly pleased. The only thing is that it is not the best choice if you want any super high speed shots. It has great color and awesome lightning ability.
Heres some of my pictures taken with the 8800: *click on the pictures section
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Originally posted by Aaron Kennedy
I'd wait on the drebel... rumor mill has the new drebel coming out during PMA (Feb 20-23).


Interesting! Maybe the 300d will go down in price sooner :lol:

Enjoyed the Pics on your website Khristian.
I am also passing up on the 8MP model for the 5700! I've looked at it along side the Canon D-Rebel and have flirted closely with both. Although I haven't pulled the trigger yet, the Nikon Coolpix 5700 definately has a high road. The 8MP boasted is way overdone; paying more to take pictures with bigger file sizes and slower processing speeds. Not something I really need. There's a good review on at the below URL..

In terms of Coolpix models, this would be my first choice and may definately be the camera I take into the Alley with me this season!