New Xm Antenna=Better Loading?

May 6, 2009
I have threatnet and i love it but it loads so slow and my signal takes a while to lock on. I'm using the standard antenna that came with it, I'm looking at getting the Digital Antenna for xm (made by digital antenna) it has a 40dB gain on it. Will this help the issue? does anyone use this antenna or anyone heard anything on it? I've put a link below to the antenna
are you thinking of placing this on the outside or inside of your vehicle? Keep in mind that outside is way better. Make sure that you order the proper adapter to your xm receiver. I really dont see that you could go wrong with this unit.
With my standard antenna it has to be outside otherwise it don't work at all. It seems to me the 40dB gain that the digital antenna has would make getting a signal easier and some what stronger also should recieve data better