New Weather Data Site

As of a few days ago, GFS maps are now available. Next on the list is the RUC.

In the near term you may notice an occasional missing forecast hour, which for the curious is likely caused by a race condition introduced when we added threading capabilities to the product generation code. We're currently working to isolate this problem, so it should be resolved soon. In the meantime, it should only be a minor annoyance since such a small percentage of the forecast hours actually exhibit this problem.
As of a few days ago, GFS maps are now available. Next on the list is the RUC.

In the near term you may notice an occasional missing forecast hour, which for the curious is likely caused by a race condition introduced when we added threading capabilities to the product generation code. We're currently working to isolate this problem, so it should be resolved soon. In the meantime, it should only be a minor annoyance since such a small percentage of the forecast hours actually exhibit this problem.

I saw this last night....and love it. It's a book marked link on my blog page. Once you get the RUC, you should do you own regional versions in higher resolution for severe events the way SPC emphasizes on areas during inclement weather. Very nice page you have put together.
Although we haven't been able to add the RUC to yet, we've been working on enhancing the usability of the model forecast soundings. As such, we've added GFS soundings, NAM & GFS hodographs (they're a little ugly right now and still need work, but at least they're functional), and made all forecast maps clickable instead of just the CONUS basemap. I don't know about everyone else, but I've always wanted a way to click on that CAPE bullseye or 850mb wind max and easily pull up the corresponding forecast sounding and hodograph. :)

Anyway, hopefully we'll be able to finish getting the RUC online soon...and as always questions, comments and suggestions are welcome.
Impressive work. I first saw your site when someone pointed to it in a forecast thread a few weeks ago and it looks like it is poised to join the "pantheon" of sites regularly used by chasers. Some might consider this a side note, but I appreciate your graphic design which goes beyond "pretty" to help the usability of the site. Keep up the great work!
I have enjoyed this site very much too. I like the ability to click and get skew t info for any place. I agree with others in that I do hope to see the ruc. I guess I should click those advertisements, because it's great that it is all free too.
from one good hardcore forecaster to another...must say job well done guys!! Good clean graphics and great selection of panels. I have this down right next to my fave wx-caster and a couple others.
I try and never do me too posts, but you guys did a great job on aggergating the data. I have been looking for something like this for year!
I try and never do me too posts, but you guys did a great job on aggergating the data. I have been looking for something like this for year!

No problem. We do appreciate the compliments, as TwisterData has most certainly not been a trivial project. I think we're up to something like 10,000 lines of code now...maybe more. :)
Is anyone else having a problem with twisterdata using firefox? The first set of hours for both the GFS and NAM (0 - 45) redirect to the twisterdata home page and not the selected hour. :confused:

Works fine in Explorer though.
Is anyone else having a problem with twisterdata using firefox? The first set of hours for both the GFS and NAM (0 - 45) redirect to the twisterdata home page and not the selected hour. :confused:

Works fine in Explorer though.

That's really odd, and the first I've heard of that particular behavior. Are you still seeing this problem?