For those of you who don't know, the color palettes are user editable. I wanted people to be able to customize things to their liking. So, if hook up your device to a PC and mount the SDCARD on the phone as an external hard drive (supported on most, if not all Droids I believe), you can edit the colors to your liking. In the PYKL3Radad folder, z.pal is reflectivity, v.pal is velocity, and w.pal is spectrum width. Just be careful with file formatting as if there's an extra comma or odd character in the color lines, you could get unexpected results. A few users have posted their customized color files to the Yahoo group files section and additional contributions are welcomed.
Additionally, it appears that it works pretty darn well on tablet devices too according to feedback from users. However, I haven't seen it work personally as I don't yet have one or know anyone who does.