New incar wi-fi setup

From the test results , it looks like it is running on the Verizon network. Any EVDO provider ( Verizon , Sprint or Alltel ) is superior to EDGE/HSDPA that is offered by AT&T ( formerly cingular ). For ultimate coverage some of the testers of the units have been using our Rockies Amplifier with a 5 DB magnetic mount antenna and have reported the coverage was excellent. I think Alex was just unimpressed with the speed but if the end user is happy with the speed and the product, and it fits thier needs it does not matter if anyone else is impressed or not.
That depends on where he was when he tested it. if he was in a city then its average to below average. if he was more rural then thats not all that bad. Almost a half meg/sec is much faster than cell phone/modem for sure. I KNow Sprint has pretty good coverage in my area but my Cingular card the coverage sux. This unit combines all networks so it is as fast as sprint or nextell or att but wil use any of their towers so there is no coverage hole.

Even if its not as fast as some cards I will take slower speed (if it is) and a solid signal over fast but dropping signal.

I will wait for more testing to be done in the field before I decide to see if it can trully hold its signal at all times. I nkow for sure it has to be better than my Cingular card. They suck. If this doesnt work I will at least be switching to Sprint once my contract is up.
That depends on where he was when he tested it. if he was in a city then its average to below average.
while i agree with you speed-wise. that latency is nowhere near average for EVDO (Rev-0 or Rev-A).
thats more like satellite latency, don't you think?
Well.....personally I would like to see more information on this unit myself. I can't seem to dig up the specs that I would like to see from the unit. I know that I personally don't like the upload. This is killing my opporunity to stream video coverage to the media. Verizon cards run some 600kbps upload in the surrounding Birmingham area. However, I was in rural Talladega County, AL when doing this test. The speed of download is plenty for me, but I would like to see faster upload. Maybe a hardware upgrade will take care of that in the next few months. Time to check on a few things...
Well.....personally I would like to see more information on this unit myself. I can't seem to dig up the specs that I would like to see from the unit. I know that I personally don't like the upload. This is killing my opporunity to stream video coverage to the media. Verizon cards run some 600kbps upload in the surrounding Birmingham area. However, I was in rural Talladega County, AL when doing this test. The speed of download is plenty for me, but I would like to see faster upload. Maybe a hardware upgrade will take care of that in the next few months. Time to check on a few things...

There may be a Rev-0 card in this router, which could easily explain the upload number. one reason i dislike routers that have embedded/internal cards is that upgrading may be difficult or impossible, and certainly not likely to be something the end user can do themselves.
I'm going to shoot them an email and see if they can give me a little more information. I have free data so I can't complain too much about the deal. It is faster than my Cingular data service so I will probably stick with it for a while. I'll inquire about the router a little more in my email to them.
From the test results , it looks like it is running on the Verizon network. Any EVDO provider ( Verizon , Sprint or Alltel ) is superior to EDGE/HSDPA that is offered by AT&T ( formerly cingular ). For ultimate coverage some of the testers of the units have been using our Rockies Amplifier with a 5 DB magnetic mount antenna and have reported the coverage was excellent. I think Alex was just unimpressed with the speed but if the end user is happy with the speed and the product, and it fits thier needs it does not matter if anyone else is impressed or not.

You guys must not be clicking on my previous links about network and speed. As far as I can tell AT&T / Cingular using GSM (and it's different flavors) should be superior speedwise to EVDO. It appears to also favor lower latencies. That Anynet 1000+ latency is EXTREMELY bad. When I play an internet game I look for sub 100 pings.

AT&T is operating a 3G/HSDPA network, called BroadbandConnect, currently in most metropolitan markets. It provides average download speeds of around 1.5 megabits per second (mbit/s), with bursts up to 3.6 megabits per second (Mbit/s).
That Anynet 1000+ latency is EXTREMELY bad. When I play an internet game I look for sub 100 pings.

Ha, it's gonna be a while if we ever get close to 100 ms pins on cellular networks. 1000ms is pretty standard from what I've experienced. It is similar to satellite internet connections. I hope you don't plan on playing games any time soon on cellular. 100 ms is asking for a lot. The farther you get from a tower, the higher it will get. It will also go higher the more users there are. Wireless communication just naturally has higher latencies due to dropped packets and rebroadcasts.
Ha, it's gonna be a while if we ever get close to 100 ms pins on cellular networks. 1000ms is pretty standard from what I've experienced. It is similar to satellite internet connections. I hope you don't plan on playing games any time soon on cellular. 100 ms is asking for a lot. The farther you get from a tower, the higher it will get. It will also go higher the more users there are. Wireless communication just naturally has higher latencies due to dropped packets and rebroadcasts.

maybe you didn't look close enough at the speedtest results in my post:

sub-100 isn't too common, but its certainly not "gonna be a while" either.

i frequently see 100-200ms and rarely see anything over 300ms.

see for yourself:
Just did another speedtest and again got sub 100ms ping and great speeds:


using a verizon UM150 on a cradlepoint CTR350 router, as shown below:


there is also a cradlepoint router with a built-in rechargeable battery that allows the 'portable hot spot' to operate for up to two hours on battery:


the really cool thing about the UM150 is its external signal strength LED's.
The four blue LEDs on the body tell you that I am in great coverage area.
NICE! I wish you could get that kind of speed all over. I'm hoping that the Autonet guys respond to me sometime this week about the questions that I approached them with.
So has the company said anything new about the release of their product. We went from summer to fall then to winter. They have changed their release date several times. Spring will be here soon. :)
So has the company said anything new about the release of their product. We went from summer to fall then to winter. They have changed their release date several times. Spring will be here soon. :)

My chase partner just got an email back from them saying that they will be announcing pricing and availability next month.
My chase partner just got an email back from them saying that they will be announcing pricing and availability next month.
That is encouraging (although we have heard that same song and dance time and time again). Hopefully we will be able to purchase the product by spring '08 or summer '08 or fall '08. :) ;)
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My chase partner just got an email back from them saying that they will be announcing pricing and availability next month.
Let me guess...
"We will be available for preorder next spring!"
Already made up my mind to get an aircard, I'm not wasting any more time on these jokers..