New Forecast Soundings Online - SHARPpy

pretty new to python, whenever I run the 'python install' I get an permission denied error:

Adding SHARPpy 1.2.0 to easy-install.pth file
error: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/Users/broo1001/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/easy-install.pth'

I know I have two different version of python on my mac os x, I'm assuming its continuing to run the old version ... any input will be helpful.

Andy, I also get the same error when trying to run the GUI. So you are probably having similar problems with the install.
Awesome work Greg, Kelton, Patrick and Tim. I love that I essentially have good portion of NSHARP on my home PC.
Andy, by chance did you forget to run the 'python install' command? I forgot to do this a couple of times when updating some computers that were using it and got the same error. Try running that again and let me know if you still have issues.

Just wanted to confirm that this worked. Thanks for all of the hard work on this program guys, I look forward to future updates.
I finally got around to working on getting SHARPpy working on my Ubuntu machine. I had issue getting my system to default to anaconda instead of the python within the system. So, just to experiment, I installed the required packages to the native python and was able to get SHARPpy to fire right up with no issues.
I finally got around to working on getting SHARPpy working on my Ubuntu machine. I had issue getting my system to default to anaconda instead of the python within the system. So, just to experiment, I installed the required packages to the native python and was able to get SHARPpy to fire right up with no issues.
Cool! Yeah, Anaconda isn't required; it's just (by far) the most convenient for someone that hasn't ever played with Python before. I'm using MacPorts to manage Python packages on my laptop, and it works fine.
Cool! Yeah, Anaconda isn't required; it's just (by far) the most convenient for someone that hasn't ever played with Python before. I'm using MacPorts to manage Python packages on my laptop, and it works fine.
I understand. I know all the recent (in the last few years) distros of Ubuntu already have python built in. If I recall correctly, all the major Linux distros, and certainly the Debian based and Red Hat based distros, ship with Python.

Just some food for thought for anyone who has one of the major Linux distros. I forget which it was, but I did have to install another package (in addition to PySide and Numpy) that wasn't on the Python that shipped with my OS.
I can open SHARPpy just fine. However, the only model data that loads is the observed data. This is the error message I get with the rest of the models... Also, it will not decode the file at all.
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Sorry for not checking this thread sooner. I lost the site when the URL changed.

I have been experiencing an error when trying to bring up the 4km NAM model.

I get this error File '' cannot be found
When is the last time you updated the code? I think that should be fixed in the latest version (I just tried it successfully on mine), so try downloading the code again.

View attachment 8743
I can open SHARPpy just fine. However, the only model data that loads is the observed data. This is the error message I get with the rest of the models... Also, it will not decode the file at all.
Yeah, the PSU data server was having issues that particular day. Should be good for now. :)
Suggestion: Use UWyo's upper air soundings page for the RAOB? It seems to be updated much faster than where you're using currently...