New Footage Found from May 3, 1999

I think KWTV (News9) in OKC premiered this "lost footage" a week or so ago in a special segment, though I forgot about it and haven't seen it yet.
I don't think this is new. I remember seeing parts of this before, and I think they were featured on the "May's Fury" video, especially the last part where they are driving backwards to get away from the tornado.
It's not new. I never actually saw the trailer, but I heard the audio during a radio spot and recognized it immediately. Of course, it's probably new to anyone not from Oklahoma.
You gotta wonder - being it such a slow severe weather year for Central Oklahoma, and the fact that KFOR invested a lot of money in their new Newcastle radar, whether or not they felt they needed a way to boost their ratings.
Originally posted by Greg Stumpf
whether or not they felt they needed a way to boost their ratings.

Well, it's been more than 6 years since that day, so everyone has a fuzzy memory of the video from that event (unless you actually have the May's fury video). I hate to say it, but it does seem like a ratings rehash. There is definitely more shaky hand-held video, but nothing I would say is particularly "new" (except for one shot of the wedge to the northwest).

To say it was lost is deceptive, if you ask me. How could they lose video that apppeared on their May 3rd special video? :?

I enjoyed the high-keyed journalistic soundtrack along with the added sounds of more journalistic winds. Whoooosh.... whooooooooosh....!

It is a darned scary video, though -- As a chaser, I'm not so sure I ever want to experience a tornado that violent. BTW... how did the chaser identify the windspeed just by looking at the tube?
BTW... how did the chaser identify the windspeed just by looking at the tube?

That' what I was laughing at...I was like, "Wow...this has to be the greatest human alive. I mean, why have anemometers...we got this guy's eye estimates." I think the shaky crap was planned...I mean really, who in the world leaves their camera on....leaves it on their hand...and then does everything a chaser would do (look at maps, scratch his head, make stupid remarks :lol: )??? Ahh...the media.
Rob Satkus tells me that he believes there were actually two videos shot by these chasers on this day ... the first video that you've seen has been used in the past, and this one (same chasers, different camera) that had been lost is now being aired. Big whoop, eh ... my guess is that since there are no hype-worthy storms this year, we have to now go back and re-hype all the old storms from every conceivable angle.
This has been very heavily edited. In fact, if you look closely about 2/3 of the way through they splice in a few seconds of Tim Marshall's famous video at the highway overpass. It's done so fast and slick you hardly notice.
if you look closely about 2/3 of the way through they splice in a few seconds of Tim Marshall's famous video at the highway overpass

Actually, that video was shot by David Payne & Co. from virtually the same spot as Tim Marshall (intersection of Hw. 62 and I-44). The only difference between the videos is that the KFOR video shows a Conoco gas station and Tim Marshall's does not contain a shot of this gas station.

I concur; old footage, new packaging, blah blah blah.

It's May sweeps, and KFOR keeps calling to ask our chase group at OU if we have anything that they can do a story on. They sounded interested in doing a story on our experimental X-band radar, but it hasn't happened yet. :wink: