NCDC Toolkit & Satellite Data

Sep 16, 2008
Battle Creek, MI
I don't know how many of you are familiar with the NCDC Toolkit, but at the time being, its the only way I know how to view satellite data from NOAA's CLASS server. I found and ordered some data, and downloaded it, but when I go to load it into the Toolkit, I get an error. Anyone know the issue?

All I can tell you is programs use arrays that can be accessed with integers in a certain bounds such as: 0-99 etc.... out of bounds means a number not in that specific range ie string can be accessed like an array of chars... probably something to do with what data you are giving the program or missing files. Someone else probably has a better answer.
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Which version of the Toolkit are you using? Are you using a beta version or released version (2.x vs. 3.x)?

I noticed some major problems with satellite imagery and radar imagery with the beta in the last couple of releases, sometimes they load, sometimes they don't.

If you are using a beta version you might want to report it as a bug.

Sorry I couldn't be of any more help.
Does other data you've ordered from the same source work? If so, then I suspect that there's some bad data in this particular one (or data the program didn't expect). The gobbledie gook error message is simply a generic message that results when programmers don't close all of the holes in their programs. The toolkit is an open source project that's not going to be as polished as a commercial piece of software so you may expect to see errors like that. You could try emailing the developers. I believe there is an address on the site where you download the toolkit as I've corresponded with them before. If you're programmer you could also download the source code and actually try and debug it yourself.
Which version of the Toolkit are you using? Are you using a beta version or released version (2.x vs. 3.x)?

I noticed some major problems with satellite imagery and radar imagery with the beta in the last couple of releases, sometimes they load, sometimes they don't.

If you are using a beta version you might want to report it as a bug.

Sorry I couldn't be of any more help.
I was using the stable version, not the beta.
Does other data you've ordered from the same source work? If so, then I suspect that there's some bad data in this particular one (or data the program didn't expect). The gobbledie gook error message is simply a generic message that results when programmers don't close all of the holes in their programs. The toolkit is an open source project that's not going to be as polished as a commercial piece of software so you may expect to see errors like that. You could try emailing the developers. I believe there is an address on the site where you download the toolkit as I've corresponded with them before. If you're programmer you could also download the source code and actually try and debug it yourself.

I agree with Skip. If you are using a stable version you might have bad data. I haven't had issues with the stable version and parsing the latest GOES GINI Satellite Data from

You might want to check your dataset (re-order it) and/or e-mail the developers.

** Edit ** Also you might want to check into the beta version as it has added some more support for GOES-13. I forgot to mention that in the original post. It is under the release notes on their site. Just download the zip file and extract it somewhere else on your HD and you can use the program side by side with an actual installed version.

Christopher Zenzel
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Ahhh, i'll try again. Maybe im not getting the data correctly off their FTP, but I doubt Maybe ill try another date too.

Also, is there another program you might suggest for viewing this archived satellite data?

Maybe im not getting the correct data either?


UPDATE: Interesting...the data works and loads just fine so far with the beta version.
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UPDATE: Interesting...the data works and loads just fine so far with the beta version.

Interesting. I think that GOES-13 was added with one of the beta versions. I did notice in the Change Log that there was a lot of changes related to the GOES-13 satellite.

I was doing work with the University of Puerto Rico and we noticed some of these issues while working with GOES data and NOAAPORT feeds. The version of the software really counts in this case.

Glad to hear it is working at least in the beta version.

Christopher Zenzel
L.B. and Czenzel: I had the exact same problem and solution combo, just FYI. I was going for WV imagery.