National WeatherCam Network

Chris... Thanks for pointing out the Lexington, MI cam... I'll fix the URL later tonight.

Czenzel... I have the link already for the Pennsylvania DOT and plotted one cam already for Philadelphia (for testing purposes). I do plan on adding PennDOT cams, eventually.
RSS Feed

Thought I'd let you all know...

I've added an RSS Feed as a supplement to the Version Log. If you use an RSS aggregator, simply click on "RSS Feed" under "Version Log" in the menu structure.

I'm fighting a nasty cold, but I've tried to work on plotting cams today; and will likely continue to tomorrow. To see what I have added/edited, see the Version Log.


- Matt
Hi Matt:
Great Work!! For New England webcam links to add to your map, you can go to my New England Weather Page. All webcam links have been checked and are good and active.

Thanks for providing your list, Rob... I bookmarked the page and have added it to my ever-growing to do list.

Once I shake this cold and get some time, I'll work on adding more cams. I didn't get nearly as much done this weekend I wanted to. I hate head-colds. They're always hard to shake...

Thanks again!

- Matt