Name that date #2

May 31, 2004
Paxton, IL
Following Scott's lead......

May be a no brainer, I have tons of images so I thought I would give an easy one.

November 14th, 2008. Elm City Tornado event in N.Carolina. Thats my guess for now

Edit: Yup, my mistake, that is S.Carolina. I would go with 3/15/08 if I took more time on my initial guess.
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I'll be 4th to say March 15th, 2008 as well. Haha, I would love to say that after carefully analyzing the radar, I was able to conclusively decide this was the March 15th severe weather event ....but in actuality, I remember this because I was watching the Bama/MSU game (March Madness) when the Georgia Dome was hit by an E-F2 tornado and recall that there were a bunch of tornadoes which hit the Carolinas the next day, lol.