It don't think it's a NAM problem -- I think it's a CoD grahpics-generation problem. Try emailing the webmaster (he's always been pleasant to me when I've emailed him about stuff like this).
Yeah I noticed the problem too a few days ago. I noticed it on the UCAR site so it's just more than one site that is messed up I guess. I was curious if anybody else had noticed but I guess others have noticed it as well.
The CONDUIT hi-res model feed from NCEP has been bad the past few days, with many dropouts and hours of missing data. It's an NCEP problem and they know about it. The lower resolution feeds are still working fine, but obviously most sources rely on the best available output...
Problems with models

COD used to be my preferred site for models. Sometime last fall, a few of the NAM products stopped updating. Recently, COD is much worse and the majority of their NAM products are old. I *think* the GFS and other models are still OK on the COD site. Recently, within the last few days, UCAR has become complete garbage. I just took a quick look at UCAR GFS, some of the products are current, while others are several days old....

Does anyone know of any other sites with current models? Unisys products seem to be current, but they have relatively few model products.

Thanks in advance,
- bill

I for one have given up hope for COD. I used to love going there for model information. Now, it's pointless. I go there and click on a product and all I see is a white screen, or a computer model graphic not completed
UCAR and CoD are both having problems off and on for a while. Don't know if it's site specific or a problem with the models. I second the need for some alternative sites. Unisys doesn't have enough products as Bill noted.
Thanks in advance!!!
UCAR and CoD are both having problems off and on for a while. Don't know if it's site specific or a problem with the models.

As mentioned in my previous reply - the CONDUIT feed (which supplies model data to a majority of Internet sites) was bad. It was fixed with the 18Z run today.
Does anyone know of any other sites with current models? Unisys products seem to be current, but they have relatively few model products.

Thanks in advance,
- bill

If you go to this link:

You can browse to many and various websites at the different universities that are UCAR members and have weather and/or model information available. I've found a couple of others that I really like such as Ohio State, University of Nebraska, OU, Penn State and many others. Have fun!!