Myanmar Cyclone

I found this while on the site for the volcanic lightning pictures.

VIEW FROM SPACE: Before and After the Cyclone from National Geographic


May 8, 2008—The cyclone that lashed southern Myanmar (Burma) on May 2 and 3 left massive floodwaters that devastated the region, as seen in a May 5, 2008, image (bottom) by NASA's Terra satellite.

On April 15, 2008 (top photo), the same region was photographed with rivers and streams against a backdrop of green vegetation and tan agricultural land
The key to the apalling loss of life is the terrain ... Basically low-lying coastal grassland / plains, extending inland for many many miles.

The advantage is that its a great place to grow rice and other crops as it is a fertile river delta. The down side is that a mere 15 foot storm surge, half Katrina's size, can flood and penetrate as much as 50-100 miles inland, with no tree / debris "damming" to stop it.

Nearly a million people live on this coastal flood plain, close to "work" (crops) and in settlements / villages that cannot even stand 80 MPH winds, let alone a surge. Raise the water level only 5 feet in these places, and these people drown, period.