My New, Cleaner Website!

Mar 2, 2004
Northern Colorado
Hola gang!

I wanted to invite everyone (particularly those familiar with my site) to check out the newly renovated version which I uploaded this afternoon. With about 80% of my new site completed, I wanted to throw up the new version to run it through its live tests. As you'll see, many of the pages are not up, completed, or working as of this post. I figure to have most of the major pages up and online within the next week or so.

The blog explains a bit of some of the newer areas, including a newly updated logs section. Go read about those here.

Again, please pardon the dust of the new site and allow me a chance to get the remaining few pages in their places. I'll worry about content as time passes as most will be cut 'n' paste from the old site. In the meantime, the most important areas of my site are up and running! Let me know what you think!

Just missing one item...


Linked to:

Tony the site looks great!!! I really like the banner on your home page. The other thing I like, as compared to your old site, is the fact you are not wearing your Redskin jersey since I am a Dallas Cowboy fan.