My chase season complete

Feb 27, 2004

Jimmy Deguara here.

Our season - a group of between myself to up to 7 chased the plains from 10th May through to 28th May 2010. In summary, I personally counted in there between 7 to 10 tornadoes. I have to go home and check footage to confirm. Most of the tornadoes were in Oklahoma and we did see a violent tornado up north of Kingfisher come straight at us. Another of the favourites on the same day was the mulit-vortex tornado down near Paul's Valley. We got down there 15 minutes or so before the tornado suddenly formed! We were as close as a few hundred metres from the tornado at one point as the RFD bucketted our vehicle.

We also were onto one and possibly two tornadoes near Ponca City on the 10th May event. No data on that day made it an interesting chase.

One interesting tornado was the tornado in extreme SE Colorado which w most likely witnessed from Kansas! That storm was incredible and exploded as we neared it!

From a technical perspective, this year was not kind to us and we have had to chase without data but that seemed not to worry as I don't chase with data in Australia.

All in all, an interesting season - my second best after 2004 season in trms of number of tornadoes.

I am heading home today after an urgent family requirement but I am not disappointed given what has been achieved in such a relatively short time.


Jimmy Deguara

Congratulations on the season, chasing without data.. sounds peaceful .

Last time I was in Sydney a nice storm rolled in, I was near "the rocks ? " down by the old section of town, near the bay. I was tempted to head to the sky tower with my camera and see if I could bag some lightning shots.. but some locals told me I would be above the action. They were probably wrong, but they talked me out of it just the same.

Best Regards,

Tom Hanlon
Thanks - nice you were in Sydney - pity we could have met up! Anyone does come to Sydney from the States and it is during our summer, please do pop out and visit - there may be a chase on and I can show you Australian version of chasing on the incorrect side of the road!

As to the season, I am now gong through the images, and for such a short period of time - May 10th through to May 30th, some very nice structures. I have yet to see the tornado footage - I am waiting for a video night opportunity amongst my close storm chasing friends.

The highlight event as may have been mentioned was the 19th May outbreak in Oklahoma - the favourite tornado was the tornado near the I-35 corridor. About 5 power flashes and debris in the air on the foootage - slow moving tornado and up close and personal! Love it. A far cry from the storms that have been motoring along at high speeds this year!

If I get a chance, I will put video stills.


Jimmy Deguara
Lol Jimmy - It is the RIGHT Side of the road also in the UK!

Got to agree with you the Tail end Charlie along the Dryline on the 19th May near Wynnewood was great to watch, that LP Starting to rotate then driving underneath it and turning back to see first the wedge then it's twin sister Stovepipe with Power flashes was amazing, and there cant have been more than 20 Chasers on that Storm seeing as everyone else was in the mess near Hennessey earlier that day. The shots of the Meso with Tornado further East were mesmorising.

Last day for our Season also and flying back to the Rainy Uk tomorrow :(

Paul S
..... incorrect side of the road!
See...even the Australian knows the left side is no place to be driving. Now if we could only tell the TIV that...:D.

Anyhow...glad that someone who has to make such a long journey is able to be productive and walk away happy.