Most Quoted Movie in Storm Chasing

"I don't think we're in Kansas anymore"

After getting completely lost during a bust chase back in 2000 and had accidently gone into Nebraska.

Not from a movie, but I like Tim Marshall's "T-TIME!" quote (he used it a lot at the 2004 NSCC).

Also, pretty much any quote by Jack Corso.
I have to say I am shocked to see soo many Twister Quotes. I do like the movie and watch it secretly, lol.

As far as quotes go, Heres two from twister I say alot=

Dr. Jonas Miller: $hit... $hit! It's moving away! God!


Laurence: [On radio] We have touchdown! Touchdown! Tornado is on the ground!
From Eric Rasmussen's old video as their van approaches a rain wrapped tornado, we find ourselves saying over the radio:

"Peak the hill, peak the hill"

And of course the Twister favorite:

"NSSL is predicting an F5" - LOL

I don't know why, but I always find myself thinking of this quote from twister:

"hey, are you guys gonna wrap this up pretty soon?"


"Oh, nothin', I was just wondering, umm (clears throat) , if you want to chase this tornado or if you wanna just catch the next one..."
What movie has this phrase in it?

"Tornado on the ground!!!!"

Whatever movie it is, that is the most used and abused.
When the the chase gets rough I have occasionally busted out Clooney's quote in The Perfect Storm, "You B--ch!"

Fortunately or unfortuantely depend on one's point of view, I had a St. Louis Post writer with on a chase back during the 2004 Norman Workshop. His piece ended up as a monster story on the front page. I was quoted more than once using phrases from Twister. My favorite is "Rabbit is good, Rabbit is wise", referring to the navigator's expertise (as I have a knack of knowing where I am and an instinct to take the right road). My other favorite, and also quoted in the article, "Jo! There's no time!" I've used that one many times when I'm leaving late, am behind on the chase, or have loligagging partners.

Throw in the 'Houston, we have a problem" from Apollo 13 when viewing a sculpted sup.

I even had a partner pull out the Travolta line from Grease... "Greased Lightnin'"

I'm sure there many others that don't immediately come to mind.
"the suck zone" - twister
"maybe we should get off this road" -twister
"finger of god"-twister

and I cant really quote this, but I have time to time made a reference to smelling the dirt that morning and it told me to pick "____(insert local here)____" as the target for the day.

...all in jest of course
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It's always fun to whisper "it's the cone of silence" when driving toward a meso.

I wish I could remember some of the corny lines from Storm Chasers, Revenge of the Twister... Kelly McGillis deserved an emmy nomination for that one.
I've got several from Nat'l Lampoon's Vacation...

"We made it, damnit, we made it!"

"This is crazy, this is crazy, this is crazy!"

And occasionally... "I distinctly ordered the Antartic Blue Super Sports Wagon with C.B. and optional rally fun pack."


Oh man I about spit soda all over my computer when I read that. I'm glad I'm not the only one who not only finds that hilarious, but says it every single time I'm on an LP storm. Funny stuff.

I also like to use "the tornado isn't going to catch us, we're on a mission from God." A little spiff from the Blues Brothers. Of course, you MUST use the Chicago accent when you say it.

The "Bob's Road" quote from Twister is usually used at least once on every trip.

"NSSL is predicting an F5"

Heheh. I forgot about that one. That may be the new quote of 2007 for me!

Great thread Tony.