More then chase memories

Oct 14, 2013
Ardmore, OK
Hello, I wanted to share an experience with everyone that I feel shows the special side of storm chasing. I have never posted before on Stormtrack but have been reading the forums for quite some time. This fall with a change in full time careers I decided I wanted to start doing more of things that I enjoyed, one being storm chasing. In October, I watched as the severe weather outbreak started to come together over the Nebraska/Iowa area. The excitement started to grow as I reviewed the latest model runs. At ten pm the night before the Souixland was hit by tornadoes my Dad Mark Kniss says to me “let’s go to Iowaâ€￾ I was shocked. I asked my Dad if he realized how big of an undertaken this would be as we live in Northern Michigan. He said get me a bag of Jerky and I will be fine. We drove all night to get in position. We ended up chasing the EF4 tornado that went through rural Woodbury County, IA. Was the thrill of chasing such a power storm memorable? Yes. However, the memory of spending and enjoying the time with my Dad is the memory that will last a lifetime for me. Later in November, we chased the Indiana/Illinois outbreak. It was a successful chase for us; however, the speed of the storms that day proved to be amazingly difficult to follow for any length of time. However, it did not matter for the quality time I spent with my Dad just like In Iowa was priceless. He was addicted; he could not wait for spring 2014. This chase would be his last chase, as he unexpectedly passed away on Christmas night from a blood clot resulting from recent knee surgery. I write this hoping that those that read this can also someday spend the countless miles of a chase with a love one that shares in the same passion, even if it is a new passion. The memories will last a lifetime, and the bond that is formed will be unbreakable. I shared a video with my Dad on Facebook that Jeff Piotrowski had posted of the Woodbury County, IA tornado. My Dad’s response was, “Just think son, we were on the other side. Thanks for this video. I love you and will never forget this quality time we had. Thanks for the memories!â€￾ No Daddy thank you for a lifetime of memories….
Welcome to Stormtrack, Jason. Thanks for sharing that with us. For many of us that find our passions in storm chasing, it isn't always about how many tornadoes we saw or how good the video is. It's about chasing dreams, and it's even more magical when you get to share them with others. The memories of your dad will live on forever in you, and every chase you go on from now on will have so much extra meaning to it. Good luck this year, and we look forward to seeing you out there!
What a sad, yet great post, Jason. So sorry that this untimely loss has occurred, but what a blessing to have that time together beforehand. I'm sure you'll always remember his involvement when you go on future chases. Thanks for putting such a sensitive matter on ST for us to share.
I love hearing about people discovering a passion for storm chasing. I am sorry to hear of the loss of your father. But what wonderful memories you guys were able to build together, even if for only a short time. Nothing can erase that.
Absolutely Jason!!.....for me, the chase is what I'm out for, but the memories and friendship is what keeps me coming back. It's the stories and the laughter at dinner after the chase........It's the goofy things we say and do while waiting for storms to develop......It's the bonding and lasting friendship that makes it all worthwhile. This is a big reason why I love still photography and try to take as many photos as I can while in all modes of the chase. Looking back at these captured moments in time puts a big smile on my face. Jason, thank you for sharing such a touching story!!!
When I decided I wanted to go storm chasing, several factors were taken into account. 1: I love to travel, and chasing involves a lot of ground. 2: I love weather. Every time a storm came through town if I could I'd sit outside and watch it. 3: I love photography. Being able to combine all three of these into a single activity is like a dream come true for me, but sadly I cannot share this passion with anyone particularly close. 2013 was the first year I was able to chase, and for me some of the best memories were just chatting with my partner about random nonsense while we drove or waited for something to happen.

It is very unfortunate to hear about your loss, especially around that time of year, but it sounds like you managed to make the best of your time with your father while you still could.

Thank you for sharing this story, sad as it is.
Thank you Jason for sharing such a beautiful soul touching story. What a blessing that you two bonded in the way you did. What a wonderful presence to feel each time you chase.