Moore, OK chaser gathering - Saturday, July 10

JR Hehnly

Dec 7, 2003
Oklahoma City
Anxious to see all the new video from this years season, I'll be hosting another gathering on Saturday, July 10 at my home at 13160 Eastridge Dr. on the west side of Moore (technically it's in Oklahoma City).
You can arrive any time after 7 and stay as late as you wish.
We'll be providing some snacks and refreshments. We also will be grilling burgers, dogs, etc. outside.
There will be a few TV's set up to play your chase tapes or DVDs, please have them edited and not too long. I'm planning on setting up a video projector in the garage again for some life size tornados and Shane Adams playing some Atari games. Bring your pictures, too.
For other distractions I also have a full size arcade machine that plays most every arcade game made.

I'm open to any new ideas you may have to make this a fun night for everyone.

Please post a reply here if you are planning on coming so I can gauge what supplies I need to get.

pictures from last one:

Directions to the July 10 gathering.

Can't make it? Live, streaming video of the event will be at
I'll be there for sure, my girlfriend and Angie Norris get back from TN on the 8th or 9th; they might be too road-lagged to attend, but I'll do my best to get them up as well.
Well, I think it's about time I finally get a chance to meet everyone besides the few that I have come across out in the field. JR, I look forward to it.
No can do for me, unfortunately. My parents are coming into town that weekend, so I won't be able to join the party. Don't have too much fun w/o me!
Sounds like a plan! Marking down on my schedule. Let me know if you want us to bring anything. I'll gladly put in a few $$$ for chips etc.


Well on second thought I don't think I can make it. I forgot it was my anniversary. I don’t think that would go over real well with the wife. I’m not sure I would live that one down. So Mick were did you take your wife for your fifth year anniversary. I took her to a storm chasing get together.

It’s cool with me but I know she will not share the same opinion. Besides she prettier than you ugly storm chasers anyway. LOL.

Have a great time. I know you will…

Well on second thought I don't think I can make it. I forgot it was my anniversary. I don’t think that would go over real well with the wife. I’m not sure I would live that one down.

Whipped! I can hear that whip a crackin now!!!

I'll be there.
Driving from Denver

Alright!! Can't wait to see everyone out there. I'm driving straight from Denver, but oh well. I needed to take a trip out into the Plains anyway. This super-boring, benign weather hasn't given me much of a chance (or excuse) to get out and feel the energy! If anyone in the Denver area, or further south or east, wants to hitch a ride with me, feel free to send me a message on stormtrack OR e-mail me. I drive a Jeep Grand Cherokee 2002 model with space for a few passengers, even with all the equipment. Let me know ASAP.
See everyone soon,

Well on second thought I don't think I can make it. I forgot it was my anniversary. I don’t think that would go over real well with the wife. I’m not sure I would live that one down.

Whipped! I can hear that whip a crackin now!!!

Ha Ha! Very funny Chris!

Damnit, I saw that Mickey had posted last and thought he was gonna say he'd be able to go after all :evil:

You know I really haven't asked her if it would be cool with her, but considering she is not into chasing AT ALL and it would be our anniversary I can almost say there is a 99.99% chance she wouldn’t go for it. If it were any other time I’d say “ Women I’m going!â€￾ lol! Jk. I’ll see what she says, but the next time you see me, Shane, and I am blind out of my good eye you know why.
