Sean McMullen
I imagine there are many chasers out there that use Delorme Street Atlas and Threat Net together like myself. I like the feature on threat net that allows you to see your position compared to the storm but the lack of detail on threat net is the reason most of use delorme along with it. A problem that arose for me was that I couldn't use both the threat net gps and the delorme gps together at the same time on my laptop. This meant that I had to decide, do I want to see my position compared to the storm or do I want the more detailed map that delorme offers? In case anybody is dealing with this same issue I thought I'd help out. You can have your cake and eat it to. What I mean is that you can get your threat net to recognize your delorme gps antenna. It won't make the threat net map more detailed but you'll be able to see your position compared to the storm while at the same time you can see yourself on the delorme map as well and you only have to use the delorme antenna. Here is the link on how to do it, just follow the steps it's super easy.
If you have any trouble or questions just post or PM me.
If you have any trouble or questions just post or PM me.