Microsoft Pharos GPS-500 SIRF III - GRLevel 3

Dec 19, 2005
Saltillo, MS

I have purchased a GPS recommended in the GPS tech section and I am having some issues with it. Machine is Windows 10 Laptop, running this version of GRlevel3

GRLevel3 2.50
Windows Version: 10.0
DPI: 96
Driver: igdumdim32.dll
Description: Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500
Width: 1366
Height: 768
Format: 22
Texture memory: 4084 MB
MaxTextureWidth: 8192
MaxTextureHeight: 8192
MaxVertexIndex: 16777215
MaxPrimitiveCount: 8388607
Vertex Shader: 3.0

I have seen that there are no Windows 10 downloads on the Pharos site, and unfortunatly, Xport does not work. The drivers will not load out of the box. At this point, I don't care what it is and spare no expense. Would appreciate someone recommend a GPS that will integrate with this version of GRlevel3.

Thanks, ST!

I had huge problems with my Microsoft GPS dongle working with GR3 after upgrading to windows 10. In fact, it would often cause "the blue screen of death". After searching around online a bit, I noticed that a number of other people had this same issue...

Bought this GlobeSat GPS receiver to replace the Microsoft one and have not had an issue since.

GlobalSat BU-353-S4 USB GPS Receiver (Black)

As crazy as it sounds, I don't think the Microsoft GPS receivers are compatible with windows 10 for some reason.

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I had huge problems with my Microsoft GPS dongle working with GR3 after upgrading to windows 10. In fact, it would often cause "the blue screen of death". After searching around online a bit, I noticed that a number of other people had this same issue...

Bought this GlobeSat GPS receiver to replace the Microsoft one and have not had an issue since.

GlobalSat BU-353-S4 USB GPS Receiver (Black)

As crazy as it sounds, I don't think the Microsoft GPS receivers are compatible with windows 10 for some reason.

Sent from my iPhone using Stormtrack
They quit making those MS units a few years back, so the drivers are hard to track down. +1 on the Globalsat USB model mentioned above. They also offer BT units if you're into the wireless thing.
Thanks, Mark and Eric

I can confirm that upon loading the PL-2303 software it did cause the first blue screen I've ever seen on this machine. Plugging it in will not get it to work. I guess I may have to return this product. I had a BU-353, not the S-4 variant and it too did not work with Windows 10 and GRLevel 3.

Are you sure the S4 is going to make the cut?

There is no doubt in my mind it'll work. The newer S4 unit has drivers available on US Globalsat's website that should help you get up and running on Windows 10. We can help with questions once you get the unit to ensure you're successful!

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Mark, I'm not super text savvy when it comes to the technical details as to why the Microsoft ones no longer work with windows 10, but I can confirm that the exact Amazon link I sent you is the GPS unit that I purchased, and I have had zero problems with it on my dell latitude running 64-bit Windows 10 with GR3. Absolutely no problems at all, but had infinite problems with the Microsoft GPS unit that used to work just fine on my same computer when I was running Windows 7.

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Get the BU-353-S4. Make sure it's the S4 variant. I can also confirm it works in Windows 10 (as well as Windows 7). This should be the recommended GPS for storm chasers if Stormtrack has such a list.

Technical note: while you can sometimes get older software to work in Windows 10 by running the program in compatibility mode for an older version of Windows going all the way back to XP, you can never get older hardware to work if there are no Windows 10 compatible drivers available for it. Windows 8 & 10 are inherently different from 7 & Vista.

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Mark, I'm not super text savvy when it comes to the technical details as to why the Microsoft ones no longer work with windows 10, but I can confirm that the exact Amazon link I sent you is the GPS unit that I purchased, and I have had zero problems with it on my dell latitude running 64-bit Windows 10 with GR3. Absolutely no problems at all, but had infinite problems with the Microsoft GPS unit that used to work just fine on my same computer when I was running Windows 7.

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I should correct myself to say Pharos made the GPS units which were bundled with Microsoft Streets and Trips back in the day versus calling them MS units (GPS). Yesterday on the Pharos website I noticed driver dates in the 2008 era as the most recent ones available, so that's key to the whole Windows 10 issue. Sticking with the GlobalSat S4 unit will help keep anyone out of trouble as far as Windows 10 compatibility goes.

Now that Delorme no longer makes their mapping software we're going to eventually have to cross that bridge at some point in time. Hopefully you have plenty of place files to load up in GRL3 for mapping purposes, but nothing beats a good mapping program for navigating in unknown territories.
I'll update that sticky part if after looking around it appears to be a clunker. We don't want our members buying outdated products that are past their shelf life.

Edit: I found Windows 7 32/64 bit drivers on the Pharos site that MIGHT work with Windows 10. It's hard to say but you never know.

Thanks guys for the great effort and fast reply's.

I have a short video of the install process of the unit. I hope this gives you something to build on.

- Terry
I too can confirm the S4 variation is what you want. Also, there was a bug in GRL3 where it would not recognize com ports 10 and above. I'm not sure if that's been fixed, but no worries. Just make sure you assign the BU-353-S4 a single digit com port if it's still an issue.
I reviewed your video Terry and because Device Manager is listing your Pharos unit as problematic it essentially isn't available to GRL3 to use. GRL3 only sees COM Port 3, which is the entry for your BU353 unit. It needs to see COM Port 8 for the Pharos unit but cannot because the driver isn't functional. You really have two options here. Get the S4 variant with the proper Windows 10 driver installed and be done with it or try to funk around with the Pharos unit driver and putting it into a different compatibility modes (maybe Windows 7) to get it working on COM Port 8, but that will be the brain damage option IMO. Scott mentioned the compatibility mode part above. I'd like to see the properties screen in Device Manager for the Pharos unit to see what is being reported by Windows as the issue.

If you get an S4 I'd uninstall the other two drivers before installing the S4 drivers to avoid any potential conflicts.

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I got the BU-353S4 in today. On the CD it is the same PL-2303 driver so I removed it. Still stuck on COM3 and the puck is glowing red. I got a video capture of the process and may upload it soon. Hope it wont be necessary. Any idea on how to get those COM ports?

First, uninstall the Pharos driver/software. If you've already uninstalled the Prolific driver (US Globalsat) that's fine, but if not you might not need to.

I'd just follow the installation instructions included with your S4 unit to install it to your Windows 10 laptop and it should work like a champ without much other intervention. Let me know if there's anything else I should know.
Make sure you uninstalled all previous drivers before plugging the GPS in and installing the new drivers. Also a good idea to restart the computer prior to plugging in and installing the new GPS.

You said GRL3 is stuck on COM3. Can you please answer these two questions?
  1. What COM is the GPS connected to (in Device Manager)?
  2. Is there a yellow triangle in device manager (like there was in the last video)?
A screenshot of your device manager with Ports expanded would help a lot.


Let us know, and we can solve from there.
Here is the screen shot of the device manager and the COM ports. Trying GPSGate and other solutions. Beginning to think it's some driver conflict. No telling where to start.
The link is broken. I wouldn't bring GPSGate into the equation until you have the S4 installed and fully functional. That will undoubtedly muddy the waters even more.
GPS Sensor is that tied to your Android phone location service? I'd change the COM Port 5 entry in GPS Sensor to COM Port 3 in order to pass data through that Port.

Your S4 unit has installed to COM Port 7 now and it looks fine in Device Manager. Try GRL3 now and see if 7 is available.

Now I get it. You had "GPS Reverse" installed and I thought all along it was the Pharos driver. I kept wondering who the driver author was - Michael Choudakis (spelling?). Their GPS software looks very interesting and worth considering for the future, especially in light of the advent of Windows location services.
Thanks Guys,


I uninstalled everything and reloaded CD. It jumped between two different COM ports each time I plugged it in so no telling if this is a solid fix. GRLevel3 is now working on COM6.


Thanks again, ST
