Brett Roberts
Thanks for sharing, Ben. This is a great teaching moment and reminder for virtually all of us. I just wanted to add that I feel bad for the chasers involved, and am not tempted to pass harsh judgment. Some of the dialog above I feel illustrates a divide in urban-vs.-rural upbringings, more than anything. Those of us who rarely drove in very remote areas before we started chasing are simply conditioned instinctively to handle these situations in the wrong way. After tens or hundreds of thousands of miles in urban/suburban environments (or even rural ones outside the Plains and Midwest, where vast, desolate grids aren't a thing), it becomes second nature to stop or slow only for specific signage. We all need to override our conditioning if we want to take back roads in areas like W TX, no doubt. But, goodness; it sure would be nice if they could just put up some damn signage, especially at the minority of intersections like this one with poor visibility.