March 19th Severe Weather Symposium after dinner

Mar 18, 2004
Lawrence, KS
A couple of other people and I have discussed possibly meeting up to eat at a restaraunt in Lincoln to eat after the symposium on Saturday. Would anyone like to offer any places in Lincoln that would be a good place to do this? Also anyone from the StormTrack that wants to eat with us is welcome to do so. I would like to get numbers as soon as possible so we can make a reservation if needed. You can either reply on here or PM me as soon as possible.


Also mods if you think that this should be moved to the thread already started about the conference that is fine. I was not sure because I want people to get word of this ASAP.

My personal recommendation would be Brewsky's in the Haymarket District of downtown Lincoln. They have a perfect back room, even an entire lower lever that would probably be available to us, with just a simple heads-up. Parking could be a small issue down there, and it's also a little ways from East High, but it's a great place to hang out and grab a beer and some food, especially if anyone is staying over for the evening.

I'll keep thinking, though.
I could be game! Just as long as the preggo doesn't pop the baby out this week I'll be good! Plus, I need a trip out of the KC Metro for once in a year lol
Actually, some place a little ways removed from the high school would be great (as I would assume a large number of attendees would probably flock to the more local, franchise/chain places.)

To be honest, I'm not too familiar with Lincoln, so I'll defer to J.B.'s judgement as well as any other Lincolnites out there.


What would you all think about eating at a place called Craw Daddies? I called the place and they said that they would reserve us room for free. We can also eat at Brewsky's but they charge $30 for group reservations. If we each pitched in a few bucks I don't think it would be that big of a deal and it would probably be more private than Craw Daddies. Let me know what you think as soon as possible.


Someone asked me for a little input here since I'm from the Lincoln NE area. Sorry I'm not familiar with Craw Daddies even though its located in the downtown area. One problem with the downtown area is parking. You have to risk parking it on the streets or use one of the parking garages. And it takes at least 20 mins just getting there from the syposium.

I do recommend a really nice place that's closer by: Grandmother's Restaurant & Lounge, located close to 70th and A Street. It's relatively close by, just south of Lincoln East High School. Its a good sized place with plenty of room to sit, eat or just meet in the lounge after the syposium. And the food there is really good quality.

There's other food places closer to O Street and more towards Westfield Shopping Mall. But I think Grandmother's is your best bet.

Thanks. LJK.
Sorry I won’t be able to attend dinner with everyone, I’m still struggling with trying to get to the symposium for a while. But if prime rib is to your liking, Misty’s is some of the best around. I’m not sure where the high school is, but I don’t believe its to far away. You would definitely need a reservation to get in there though.
I hope this system for Friday doesn't slow at all or move back south closer to where it had been. It should be fairly moisture starved but the eta sure wants to put some moisture down on the north side of its track. I can really see this track slipping back south and being square over Omaha(it jumped from OK to southern SD).
Are you thinking snow, Mike? ... certainly possible with those temps ... if we only had instability, higher temps & TDs we might have been talking about a possible chase setup --- hopefully soon.
I think that if the group we pull together is large enough, we might appreciate having our own space to hang out in, instead of us all simply going to a restaurant and having dinner sort of, on our own. I don't know if that makes sense or not.

Are you talking about possibly meeting up at someone's home? I called today and made a reservation at Brewsky's for 30 people at 5:30. If you have something other in mind I can always cancel the reservations though. I made the reservation for that large of a group because I already know quite a few people are interested and I am sure there are some people that haven't seen this that will be too.

Thanks for clearing that up. I thought thats what you meant but I wasn't sure. Well, were all set to meet up at Brewsky's at 5:30. When you walk in just tell em that you are with the storm chaser party. I figured that would be easier then using my last name. Again anyone who is going to be in Lincoln is welcome to join us and I over estimated the group size so feel free to bring family or friends if they are with you. I hope to see a big turn out!

Brewsky's at 5:30PM, sounds good and we'll be there.

I did notice a few minor changes to the agenda, so I'm not sure if we're gonna cut out and head to Hallam for a bit or not before coming back for supper. Just got my new camera, so I'm itching to go out and give it a workout. :)

