Man, screw Sprint....

I have used Cingular for the last few years now, and I must say it exceeds my expectations every year. I chased in central IL the other day, Quincy-Peoria-Bloomington, etc. and rarely ever lost a signal, yeah it drops out occasionally, but that’s to be expected when moving 70mph between towers. I have a new nokia phone this year that has worked flawlessly. Its great because I connect to my laptop through bluetooth so that I don't have to have it connected with a cable, I can have my phone anywhere within 30 feet of the laptop and it has no problems. The other advantage to Cingular's GPRS is that is does not use your min., just data and when you receive a call it places your data on hold and resumes when you hang up, so no reconnecting every time someone calls you. I love this feature since I use my phone for communication and data.


Dan, thats cool I was thinking about using the bluetooth USB adapter to connect my phone to my laptop too. Have you ever experienced problems with this? Like interferance with WiFi (if you use it)? Also what do you use to access the non-wap sites, do you use dataPilot like rdewey mentioned above?

Sorry ya'll, kinda deviating from topic of "man, screw sprint"


I have had no problems using both. I just recently started using the bluetooth so 3/30 was kind of my test drive for it and it worked great! I don't have any problem acessing non-wap sites. Everything seems to load just fine. Cingular has connection software you can download, but I find windows works just as good or better in some cases. There are 2 different data options. They have data connect which is $80 a month for unlimited, and the wap version that is $25 a month for unlimited. The wap version can be set up to connect to you laptop through your phone. If you search some of the phone forums on the net you can find these details.


Thanks Dan