• After witnessing the continued decrease of involvement in the SpotterNetwork staff in serving SN members with troubleshooting issues recently, I have unilaterally decided to terminate the relationship between SpotterNetwork's support and Stormtrack. I have witnessed multiple users unable to receive support weeks after initiating help threads on the forum. I find this lack of response from SpotterNetwork officials disappointing and a failure to hold up their end of the agreement that was made years ago, before I took over management of this site. In my opinion, having Stormtrack users sit and wait for so long to receive help on SpotterNetwork issues on the Stormtrack forums reflects poorly not only on SpotterNetwork, but on Stormtrack and (by association) me as well. Since the issue has not been satisfactorily addressed, I no longer wish for the Stormtrack forum to be associated with SpotterNetwork.

    I apologize to those who continue to have issues with the service and continue to see their issues left unaddressed. Please understand that the connection between ST and SN was put in place long before I had any say over it. But now that I am the "captain of this ship," it is within my right (nay, duty) to make adjustments as I see necessary. Ending this relationship is such an adjustment.

    For those who continue to need help, I recommend navigating a web browswer to SpotterNetwork's About page, and seeking the individuals listed on that page for all further inquiries about SpotterNetwork.

    From this moment forward, the SpotterNetwork sub-forum has been hidden/deleted and there will be no assurance that any SpotterNetwork issues brought up in any of Stormtrack's other sub-forums will be addressed. Do not rely on Stormtrack for help with SpotterNetwork issues.

    Sincerely, Jeff D.

Magnetic mount antenna lesson

I use several mag mount antennas. I run the wires so the most distant mag mount wire runs nect to the net mag mount and so forth. I use cable ties to attach all wires together. This greatly shortens the leash. Using this method, I haven't lost an antenna yet.
I just bought a radio shack scanner antenna and put it on my trunk, seems to be holding up pretty well so far, but it sounds like I should maybe move it.[/quote]
I had a Ruffrider magnet (MFJ) on my truck a few years ago, 5" I think, I had a Comet SBB-7 (big antenna) Low entrance to a parking garage the antenna snapped off just below the foldover, magnet didnt budge!!
I almost had to use a crowbar to get it off.
Think about this... if wind can do that, what about everyday vibration? Any of you who have had a mag mount in the same place for more than a few months, pull the mount off and look at where it was. Do you see those scratches? You may even see some rust starting as tha mag mount has scratched dowm to the bare metal.
*steps off of soap box*

Not trying to be harsh, but I've damaged one of my vehicles with a mag mount before. See some of my other posts for alternatives to mag mounts and drilling (which IS the best, but some don't want to which is understandable)

Now, if you have'nt already, get your ham ticket and play radio!
Something to consider...you can mount an NMO antenna using a "L" bracket and attach it to the trunk well with 2 small screws. No visible holes this way.
I declare some voodoo action here...

Yesterday, on my way south on I35 towards Ardmore, a plastic bag on the road kicked up behind the vehicle ahead of me, smacked into my Comet SB15 tri-band mag mount, and provided just enough enhanced wind resistance to knock the magnet off. Smack. The antenna busted in half and the magnet busted into several different pieces. I specifically bought a very heavy-duty magnet mount which held like a rock, but that's without a stupid plastic bag stuck to it... $150 down the drain...
I declare some voodoo action here...

Yesterday, on my way south on I35 towards Ardmore, a plastic bag on the road kicked up behind the vehicle ahead of me, smacked into my Comet SBB7 mag mount, and provided just enough enhanced wind resistance to knock the magnet off. Smack. The antenna busted in half and the magnet busted into several different pieces. I specifically bought a very heavy-duty magnet mount which held like a rock, but that's without a stupid plastic bag stuck to it... $150 down the drain...

Dang man that sucks. An SBB7 at that! Sooo, you gonna take the plunge and drill now? hehe
I got a big honkin' maknet mount at a truck stop for my Wilson cell antenna. It's gotta be 6, maybe 7 inches in diameter. Cost me $30 but has not blown over yet. Lost my last Wilson to a power line last year near Geary, OK. It WAS rigid mounted so this time I decided to find something that would give. If I could only stay away from those downed power lines!
For those who like mag mount type systems, you may want to look into modifying a welder's magnet for the antenna. You can find them with 70lb+ capacity, I think. Pretty grippy.
I had recently bought a K40 CB whip antenna with what i thought was the correct mag base for the thing. It hled on very well at 55-65mph once i hit 70mph it fell off. it was on a short leash so it didnt go any where. But i ended up getting a 3/8th trunk lip mount and that works wonderfull i can go 90mph and it stays firm and in place. I just tested the 90mph i dont go 90mph like some people i chased with before.
Dang man that sucks. An SBB7 at that! Sooo, you gonna take the plunge and drill now? hehe


I have a NMO mount drilled into the center of the trunk lid, though that's used for a Larsen dual-bander. I'm probably going to change cars here this summer, and I don't have the tools with me to drill into the roof now. So, I'll probably just move the Larsen dual-bander to a new mag mount on the roof (this antenna is considerably smaller than the tribander I had on before), and put the new Comet SB15 (which I bought last night) onto the trunk lid NMO mount. I'd really like to have the biggest/best antenna in the best spot (center of roof), but it isn't possible unless I get one of the gigantic tri-magnet mounts or NMO mount it to the roof.

I've thought about a trunk lip mount, but you get such a better ground plane and more even propagation field if you stick to the center of the trunk or (better) the center of the roof. Over the winter, I did rewire my car with user-unfriendly RG8 cable, which has significantly less loss than RG58. It wasn't very easy to get that stuff through the vehicle, but it was a noticeable and worthwhile improvement, especially in tuning in those distance stations.
Well, so far I've been lucky in that I haven't lost a single mag mount antenna (to semi cross-gusts, inflow/outflow, or any other windy spots), but I have lost other high-priced gear mainly due to my own neglect--try a full-strobe Whelen lightbar (magmounted, of course):cry: ! Back in Apr '03, I was barrelling northeast on I-76 trying to get ahead of a Nebraska storm with post-frontal winds gusting out of my NW around 45mph. That, combined with my 80 mph forward speed & the crosswinds hitting my front-left eventually pulled my practically new lightbar right off the top. Apparently, the lightbar flew off so fast that the whole power cable (which I just pulled through the rear door & plugged into a cig. adapter--Read: NO straps, nothing holding anything down)--remained undisturbed (SNAP!!).
After that little incident (thank G-d no one was behind me!) I bought a Yakima ski crossbar set & bolted my next lightbar right on it. Haven't had a single problem since. Moral of the story: Pay attention to the warning sticker that tells you NOT to drive with nothing but the 80lb magnets holding everything down!
Pat Palmer Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 6:39 am Post subject:


Think about this... if wind can do that, what about everyday vibration? Any of you who have had a mag mount in the same place for more than a few months, pull the mount off and look at where it was. Do you see those scratches? You may even see some rust starting as tha mag mount has scratched dowm to the bare metal.
*steps off of soap box*

mine is pretty bad.how did (if you did)get the stains off your vehicle?
It wasn't very easy to get that stuff through the vehicle, but it was a noticeable and worthwhile improvement, especially in tuning in those distance stations.

Agree, it's a major PIA when you first do it, but once you have it done IMO it's so much better in the long haul....better mount, better TX/RX, just .....better! :wink:

There is a reason they use NMO so much on cops cars. It's a durable, very low maint. mount. If I were just taking a trip I would prob go magmount, but we are putting our vehicles through some extreme situations, and that sometimes calls for more extreme mounting measures.

The only way to get rid of the stains is sanding down to bare metal, priming and painting. Unfortunately, the stains are caused by rust getting into and under the paint. If you din't get it all, it will get worse. I remedied the problem by trading in the old Toyota SR5 pickup for a brand new Ford Ranger!

Having the truck brand new for less thaan a week, I drilled holes for the antennas. That was back in 2001, and not a problem since!