Ben Cotton
I made a very important discovery Wednesday somewhere on IL9. As a semi passed me going the other way, I got smacked with a healthy gust of wind. So healthy that it overcame the magnet on my antenna and left it dangling off the right side of my car. I was lucky though, and got to learn my lesson the easy way. The distance from the door to the center of the roof plus the length of the antenna was greater than the distance from the top of the door to the road surface. Therefore, my antenna escaped damage. Those of you who use mag mount antennas -- before you leave check to make sure that if the magnet can't hold to the roof that you won't end up dragging your antenna across the roadway...I don't imagine that will help your signal any. It's not something I ever thought about until today, but now it will be routine for me, right along with checking engine fluids.