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I'm ok with people taking food, water, etc to survive but some of the looters down there are smiling as they're looting and a police officer was shot in the head by a looter (CNN as source). IMO these people who are taking all these non-essentials like they're free and shooting people are just pigs. How low do you have to be to do such things? I'll give a few of them the benefit of the doubt and assume they're looting for necessities or cause they have lost their minds and are in a state of panic but I doubt that's what most of the looting is because of.
I heard on the radio a few minute ago that weapons are becoming the most sought after items among the looters. If this true it could spell real trouble. Heavily armed gangs of looters in shootouts or even open battles with the National Guard... Not a pretty picture.

Of course, they may just be trying to protect themselves. Crazy things happen in a society when the usual rules break down.
Well, I can honestly say that if I were stuck there right now, I would want to be armed too.

All the looting is pretty pointless, really. Those people won't be allowed to stay in New Orleans. And they won't be allowed to bring their plasma TV with them to wherever they are being evacuated to. If and when the looters ever get back to their homes, that stuff won't be there anymore.

I guess it keeps the kids off the streets. :lol:
I'm curious about what specifically is being looted. Certainly guns and plasma TVs are being taken, certainly the entire contents of supermarkets, however I'm curious what you have specifically noticed. Maybe we'll see something interesting here.

I haven't watched much of it but so far I've seen:
* Plastic bag with about 20 bottled sodas, at a gas station
* About 50 of blouses and shirts off a rack (this has got to be for bartering or something, if not just for having it)

Seems like every network has shown people carrying new shoes. That ain't a bad idea. I'd say it rates up there pretty close to water in this situation.

Almost every shot I see of looters though, I can't make out what is in the box/bag/cart they are carrying.
Well...I guess if you are going to loot, do it with style:

I have heard reports about gangs in NO roamming around with AK-47s lootted from some gun shops??? CNN and Fox both said something about this. Has anyone else heard the same thing?
I think all the major news networks have reported this. Its scary, not only because chances are looters have guns, but it implies people have given up trying to rely on the authorities, and are starting to take matters into their own hands.


This is so much like what's happened before in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Africa (and a former sister city, briefly, to New Orleans in the late 80s).

In the last days of the Mobute Sese Seko reign (a long time African so called "big man" ruler there) he was getting rich while on the streets it was "every Congolese for themself". People would steal big electronic items and take them to huts with no electricity.
Can you even buy Ak-47's? Thought automatic rifles were against the law. Not saying they aren't out there, just not in gun shops.

WWL-TV is now reporting that the mayor of NO has declared Martial Law. Now, techinically its probably not Martial Law but it looks and smells like it.

Edit: Sorry, just to add something else. I kept hearing that a Wal-Mart was looted and all the automatic weapons were taken. You really think Wal-Mart sells automatic weapons?
I have a few comments to make.

#1. Today, on the radio, i heard a guy call in the station, saying he was from New Orleans and was African American. He said that he wants to appologize to the general public for the way his race is acting during this time of crisis. He also mentioned that EVERYONE, including store owners who are being stolen from, are all in the same situation. (i agree with this last statement 100%)

Children's Hospital under seige
Tuesday, 11:45 p.m.

Late Tuesday, Gov. Blanco spokeswoman Denise Bottcher described a disturbing scene unfolding in uptown New Orleans, where looters were trying to break into Children's Hospital.

Bottcher said the director of the hospital fears for the safety of the staff and the 100 kids inside the hospital. The director said the hospital is locked, but that the looters were trying to break in and had gathered outside the facility.

The director has sought help from the police, but, due to rising flood waters, police have not been able to respond.

Bottcher said Blanco has been told of the situation and has informed the National Guard. However, Bottcher said, the National Guard has also been unable to respond.

They are simply doing this, I am positive, to get there f**king drug fixes... During the past days, all their stashes have been flooded or used up, they need some more heavy meds to keep them happy.

#3. These people are the lowest of scum... killing innocent people (INCLUDING POLICE OFFICERS)... When the authorities see people looting a building, they need to get the National Guard there to get in a line around the building, take out their M-18s, and just open fire in the building! Let all those suckers get a taste of their medicine.

This whole situation is just pissin me off and enlightening me even further how so many humans are complete bastards. :(
Can you even buy Ak-47's? Thought automatic rifles were against the law. Not saying they aren't out there, just not in gun shops.

WWL-TV is now reporting that the mayor of NO has declared Martial Law. Now, techinically its probably not Martial Law but it looks and smells like it.

Edit: Sorry, just to add something else. I kept hearing that a Wal-Mart was looted and all the automatic weapons were taken. You really think Wal-Mart sells automatic weapons?

Well some gun dealers can sell full-auto stuff but most likely they are the sem-auto kind. I just saw that on the news MSNBC all 1500 cops are back in to stop the looting.
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