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Dec 9, 2003
What the heck is wrong with people?!

Originally posted by WDSU

A WDSU news crew just captured images of looters hauling items out of the Winn Dixie across from the Municipal Auditorium. The video shows people using shopping carts and hand-held carts to haul off cleaning supplies, beer and other items.

Seriously, you'd think that the last thing you'd want to do at this time is steal stuff. Grrr. If the building is damaged, the owners and employees are in enough trouble, without having to take loses from looters (thieves).
I have no problem with people looting food in a disaster if they are starving.

I also have no problem with a shoot first ask questions later policy if it is anything but food.
The same thing happened in Miami with Andrew.
Disgusting! Sometimes, tragedy brings out the best AND the worst in people.
Maybe it's funny to you. Try being one of the ones who evacuated not only having to worry about damage from the storm, but now having what's left of your belongings carted off by thieves. I wish the Governor would issue "shoot looters on sight" orders for the Nat'l Guard.
As long as corporate stores are looted and and not residential houses or mom & pop places, it's hard for me to get upset. Many of the corporate entities and their owners are far better off than these people. I guess that's the socialist in me. Though if I was governor I would certainly not condone any looting, period.

On the other hand, I am pretty sure tonight will be a really dark time for New Orleans, as the inevitable burglaries, larcenies, assaults, et cetera take place. I've been trying to find a really absorbing article on this that I read in 2003 regarding the anarchy following Hurricane Andrew, but came up empty on Google. Based on what happened in Andrew, tonight is absolutely going to suck in New Orleans -- a deep darkness of many different facets.

Originally posted by Tim Vasquez
As long as corporate stores are looted and and not residential houses or mom & pop places, it's hard for me to get upset. Many of the corporate entities and their owners are far better off than these people. I guess that's the socialist in me.

Stealing is stealing regardless of ownership.
Someone at work today suggested, in a sarcastic tone, that we use the instances of looting as target practice for the National Guard troops who are going to be sent over to Iraq later on.
Originally posted by B Ozanne
I have no problem with people looting food in a disaster if they are starving.

I also have no problem with a shoot first ask questions later policy if it is anything but food.

I agree with you on this.

Dan Cook wrote:

Tim Vasquez wrote:
As long as corporate stores are looted and and not residential houses or mom & pop places, it's hard for me to get upset. Many of the corporate entities and their owners are far better off than these people. I guess that's the socialist in me.

Stealing is stealing regardless of ownership.

I agree with Dan on this one....I mean I can understand if someone needs food, water, medicine or even a shirt, after something like this. But stealing is stealing.
I don't think food was kept in the pharmacy or ATM machine. Besides that, this is not even 24 hours after Katrina. It's not like they have gone without food for several days. These are just the typical New Orleans animals who are taking advantage of "the man" and feel entitled to take whatever they are "owed".
Man, I have heard about this happening before in other disaster events...people are really very foolish and ignorant. This really makes me sick.
2:23 p.m.: Looters Grab Things From Grocery Store
A WDSU news crew just captured images of looters hauling items out of a New Orleans Winn-Dixie on Basin Street. People were seen using shopping carts and hand-held carts to haul off cleaning supplies, beer and other items out of the back of the store. -- WDSU.com Web Staff

Doesn't sound like perishables to me.
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