Looking at older CB

I wouldn't spend much on it, at least not more than $20 if its used. If you want a good CB you want one that puts out more than 5 watts, and has sidebands, or at least a seperate booster so you can talk farther. Having a good antenna such as a firestik antenna helps. It has been a while since I was into them, I switched to ham when I got smart and took the test, but at the time 5 watts was the max allowed on cb bands.

It should be noted that 5 watts is still the LEGAL limit for the citizen's band frequency, and any new production CB radio will not have an output higher than this. If you choose to go higher, you do so at your own risk.
Used CB

That unit was marketed as an emergency CB radio system, and sold quite well.

Performance was always a little marginal, and if I recall it didn't cover all the NOAA weather frequencies either. Improvements could be made with a better cable and antenna setup.

Purchase depends on what your expectations are; if you need a CB for regular use than you could do better elsewhere; otherwise it's a fine radio to keep as a spare tucked away somewhere.

Re: Used CB

That unit was marketed as an emergency CB radio system, and sold quite well.

Performance was always a little marginal, and if I recall it didn't cover all the NOAA weather frequencies either. Improvements could be made with a better cable and antenna setup.

Purchase depends on what your expectations are; if you need a CB for regular use than you could do better elsewhere; otherwise it's a fine radio to keep as a spare tucked away somewhere.


Nope, just wanna use it to listen in to truckers and get some reports from them while on the road nothing big....not bad for 25 dollars though..

I'll probably pick it up later tomorrow
Nothing is worth more than what somebody is willing to pay for it. If you paid $25 for this, then it's worth $25.

To me, the Pawn shop would have to pay me gas money to come haul the thing off.