D. Hayes
I guess we'll just have to come up with our own color light bar. Anyone for pink? Then we could claim breast cancer awareness like every other company is.
Am i gonna have to start taking video of when I arrive at an accident or something? Wowzers
Chris, I just have one question. Do you have radios and / or scanners in your vehicle?
If he was directed by a LEO to help block traffic using his yellow lights he is covered at that point by that city or agency if anything happens. He wont be liable if something happens.
I know we have had times where we or our PD was short of vehicles at a scene for a few minutes and asked a tow truck or other "escort" type vehicle to aid us until we had more units on scene and at that point they are under our umbrella.
That's not what the law says. As I mentioned, you might get grace from a judge, but why risk it?
Again - I'd suggest asking your city's law department for clarification. Maybe Kansas is special, but far and away most states do not have that in their rulebooks.
See The official LE interpretation t... TO DRIVE WITH THEM ON! Very strict on this..
When I was on the FD, if we were shorthanded we asked bystanders for help too. This all isn't as far fetched as you think it is.
Never said it was farfetched. I'm saying that when you ask a bystander for help, there is no protection in the law for that bystander if something bad happens.
When you put your rig in the highway, light them up, and it gets hit, the guy can try to sue your and/or the FD but it cannot go to trial. When you ask Joe Public to sit in the middle of the highway with his lightbar on -- if he gets hammered by another driver, Joe is the one who will get sued. Joe has no legal protection because you asked him to.
He might draw you into the lawsuit too, but the laws protecting police and firefighters do not protect "helpful citizens" as well.
As long as the lightbar helps you get more tornadoes - I say light 'em up
No rush, but if you could link me the law that mentions the protection I'd appreciate it. I just took a class on legal issues and EM work last semester, and I'll probably address it again in grad school so would be interested.