June 21st 2002 Clockwise rotating LP supercell Iowa

Craig Maire II

Here is some information I copied and pasted from NCDC about this event:

A thunderstorm complex moved east across southern Minnesota during the day on the 21st. The outflow boundary from the complex progressed into northern Iowa to join with a warm frontal boundary lifting north across the state. The airmass was very stable to the south of the boundary with temperatures in the mid 80s to low 90s, and dew point temperatures in the low 70s to near 80. CAPE values were in the 5600 J/kg range by early afternoon. A lone thunderstorm cell formed in north central Iowa just southeast of Mason City. The storm became severe and produced a tornado southeast of Rockwell. The tornado moved southeast at first while the storm intensified, then turned east as it entered Butler County. The track of the tornado was across open country and as a result there was little more than crop damage from it. Spotter and Sheriff reports indicated the tornado was on the ground intermittently. Much of the time the condensation funnel was not in clear contact with the ground, however it would appear the strength of the tornado can be inferred from the length of the track, spotter reports, and radar presentation. Speaking to trained spotters that were on the site indicated the tornado supercell was a CLOCKWISE rotating supercell.

I tracked this incredible storm and have tons of video and was just wandering how rare an event like this is, esp. for the midwest?? (CLOCKWISE rotating LP supercell)
Also, was anyone else tracking this storm besides me that has video, input etc.??
LOL at clockwise. Were they looking up at it at the time too?