My prayers are with Jeff’s family during this hard time. This is a tremendous loss for not only the family, but to his friends and fellow storm chasers. The storm chase community is much like being a firefighter or police officer; we’re part of a brother/sisterhood and one big family. When something like this happens to a fellow storm chaser, a brother to us, it has a tremendous affect on us all.

I’m saddened that I never had the chance to meet Jeff, I have read his posts and I believe I even exchanged emails with him in the past. I think what David and Tim are doing is awesome, it’s a great way to pay tribute to a fallen chaser and to keep his spirit and memories alive.

Jeff, brother… rest in peace. And for the rest of us, as we roam the plains in 2006 and finding ourselves face to face with mother natures most violent fury… Jeff with be right there with each and every one of us enjoying the beauty that mother nature has offered us.

I'm deeply saddened and shaken over this. For some reason, I couldn't sleep past 1 AM last night, and decided to check my email. It is when Nick Grillo posted the tragic news on WX-CHASE, and immediately came over to the ST forum to read more about it. I haven't slept since then.

I've visited Jeff's website a couple of years ago, and I noted based on his writing that he was really passionate about the weather. I've only met him once or twice, as he was a regular attendee at the CO chasers convention, he was very quiet and independent! I enjoyed his posts, and certainly his humor, and mostly his passion for convection. I laughed when he showed "The attack of the birds" at the convention a few years back.

Storm chasers are a small group that share a passion that's sometimes difficult for others to understand. When one is driven by passion, the results are astounding. Jeff Wear certainly fits this guide as he wanted to make a life-long career studying the atmosphere, and...like the rest of us...wanted to be "out there". His white car and his "COPUNCH" license plate were always under the great storms.

My sincere condolences to Jeff's family and friends on this tragic loss. As one can tell by this incredible thread, he will be deeply missed!

Tim Samaras
I never got to meet Jeff but he is considered family , as we all are here.Sharing a common passion and devotion towards the magical mystery of Mother Nature.

I did get a kick out of personally getting to see the famous "COPUNCH" tag, as he passed by me east of Pawhuska this year.

My thoughts and prayers to his family and friends.
This one song has been going through my head all day, and, after changing the words a bit, I thought this would be a good tribute to him:

"In truths that he learned, or in times that he cried, in the storms that he chased, or the way that he died.

"Its time now, to sing out, though the story never ends, let's celebrate, remember the life of our friend! Remember his love!"
I never got to meet Jeff in person, but I am saddened by this tragic news. It is a reminder that life is very precious and we should enjoy every minute of it till the very end. You never when your day will come. Being storm chasers, we take quite a few risks and are considered very lucky to be here today. Unforunately this kind of thing can happen even when you are just going out to get some milk.

Jeff you will be missed. Right now I have thunderstorms popping up all around... each one of those will be dedicated to you. Please forward my condolences to Jeff's family, from the Canadian chaser community.

Kindest and sincerest regards,
I remember reading Jeff's posts and from what I have seen from other people's comments and from Jeff's website he was a great storm chaser. My condolences to his family. May he rest in peace.
I am totally shocked by this news. While I didn't know Jeff personally I have seen his posts and his website and have enjoyed his forecasts, his sense of humor and his passion for severe weather. My utmost condolensces go to his family.

-Scott Olson
I am shocked and deeply saddened by this terrible news. I didn't know Jeff personally, but I'd seen his posts. My condolences go out to his family.

It's a tragedy like this that makes a chaser ponder over all those times he/she's driven over wet roads over the years. A couple others have already pointed out that probably every one of us has hydroplained at one time or another on the way to, during, or on the way home from a chase, and are greatful when we end up unharmed.

It is a tragedy that this happened to such a passionate storm chaser...
Man, this is really sad news. My deepest thoughts go with his family and friends. I didn't actually know Jeff but anyone who has a passion for chasing storms certainly knows his name at the very least. The one thing I can honestly say (from reading his posts and visiting his site throughout the years) is that he always seemed to choose the high road on just about every issue and keep a positive, and often humorous, attitude. It's very sad that he passed on so early in life but he left behind only good things and there is no doubt that he will forever be remembered as a good person who brought happiness, love and friendship to many people.

His best chase season has only just begun...

Fabian Guerra
My prayers go out to the family of Jeff Wear. I too, never met him personally, although I remember reading his posts on this forum, including his final one about going after Dennis. I'm touched by the heartfelt reaction of the community to this tragic accident. He sounds like a man who lived his dream, and died doing it, and I can think of no better way to live or die. Open fields and beautiful storms enough to chase forever, Jeff!

I only met Jeff once at the Storm Chase Conference and I remember his infectious enthusiasm for storms. I've also enjoyed reading his posts and his website. This is a big shock and I am saddened by the loss to the chase community. My condolences to his family. Life is brief, precious and never should be taken for granted. I hope there are many beautiful storms for Jeff.

Bill Hark
Well,...this sucks! I never met Jeff, but there is something odd about chasing. Somehow when we go out and meet under the sky and the clouds, and look upon greater things than ourselves we becomes both mesmerized and excited about that which we behold. My experience is that those others in the field that we encounter (other chasers, spotters, locals) with similar passion who are also drawn upwards toward the sky often embrace those around them as friends. Oddly we all seem as long time friends under the sky. Even so, some of my current long time friends, I first met in this manner.

I guess what I am saying is that as chasers with a love and passion for chasing we are all friends just as we are on this forum. While I never met or knew Jeff, no doubt had we met we would have shared this love and understanding which while often never expressed or described runs deep. Certainly all good things in the universe are interconnected and intertwined, and with this loss we must all feel some part now missing.

Jeff, I bid you adieu. I hope you found the treasures in this life you searched for. Go in peace. May you find joy in the great beyond!

As for the rest of my friends...brothers and sisters of the chase. I wish you well and to prosper.
Though I didn't get to know Jeff while he was with us here on this great planet, losing one of our own hurts just the same. My thoughts and prayers to Jeff's family. Farewell Jeff, may you continue to chase the big storm in the sky...
