Stormtrack is accepting donations for Jeff's family.

Paypal: [email protected]

A certain amount (in the $50 to $100 range) will be used to send flowers to the family on behalf of the Stormtrack community. Any funds above and beyond that will be sent as a check weekly or monthly to his parents to help them cover expenses.

My sincerest sympathies to Jeff's family. I did not know Jeff personally, but as a fellow chaser and member of the OU community, I am shocked and saddened to learn of his death. I am just about Jeff's age, and the thought of having my life cut short at this stage is extremely sobering.

I was involved in a (much less severe) hydroplaning accident earlier this year, and would like to re-emphasize the dangers associated with driving too fast on wet roads. Those few seconds between the realization that I had no control over my vehicle and striking the other vehicle were some of the most frightening of my life. I hope no other chaser ever has to have that experience.

I didn't want this post to turn into a PSA, but Jeff's tragedy should make us all think more carefully about our speed on wet roads. In that way, hopefully, some good can come out of this terrible loss.

Peace, Jeff.
Is there a non-paypal way to contribute? I don't have that capability.

BTW, thanks for doing this. It will allow everyone to be able to "do something" that will both help the family and hopefully give themselves an emotional boost. The worst feeling associated with something like this is the feeling of helplessness and not being able to do anything.
George -- for credit cards you can use my business site at:
and put very clearly that it's for Jeff Wear, though I prefer people use Paypal. If it's a check, you could just send it directly to the family (contact me via PM for an address).

Anyway for further questions just contact me via PM or start a separate thread, as I hate to taint this thread with money discussions.

Now that I have seen a picture, I know now that David Croan and I met and spoke to Jeff at a chaser picnic at Rocky's. It was a great conversation from the word go and do recall he came from CA. This is certainly tragic news. My thoughts go to the family.

I never knew Jeff, but along with many other UK chasers (who do not use this forum) we would express our sincere sympathy to his family and friends.

It is a sad day in the chase community.

RIP Jeff and many a thought will be spared for you on my next chase.

Mark (and UK chase community)
I didn't get a chance to meet Jeff but it sounds like he was a great guy. I'm sadden by the loss of anyone with a passion for weather and storm chasing. Condolences to all of Jeff's friends and family.
Wow, what incredibly sad news. I just got in from out of town and am just catching up. Jeff Wear is a well known name in chasing. He will surely be missed by all of us. What a tragedy.
I feel like I have just been hit with a CG from out of nowhere!

I never even met Jeff, but he was a regular here and losing a chaser to such an unfortunate cause is always deeply saddening.

R.I.P. Jeff...may be there an endless supply of supercells and no existance of SDS up there!
What a downer. I didnt personally know Jeff but we will miss his posts and presence in our community. We are all mortals as this shows. Each of us know the dangers of our sport/hobby and see it now tragically firsthand. I am deeply sadened as i know most others are in the chasing community. My condolences.

RIP - Jeff Wear.
I must echo everyone's thoughts...my deepest condolences to Jeff's family and close friends on this terrible loss. I can't say I knew him personally, but I've seen his insightful posts here and his unique sense of humor always made for interesting reading.

It clearly illustrates that we can't take any moment for granted. Being storm chasers, we have the privilege to witness the awesome displays of Mother Nature. It reminds us to appreciate each moment, from the mundane to the spectacular.

Is anyone compiling a list of these posts? I think Jeff's family and friends would very much appreciate the wonderful things that have been said about him here.
Wow, this is a huge shock. As I was reading this earlier, I saw some amazing lightning out of my window, I knew he would have loved it. You know how tight the chasing is when even though I never met him personally, I feel a great loss, I can't even imagine how his family is feeling. My prayers go out to Jeff and his family :cry: