Jarrell,Texas revisited-Dead man walking

Jun 9, 2005
I know just about everyone has heard about the f-5 tornado that wiped out Jarrell,Texas on May27,1997 but how many have heard about the dead man walking? An old indian legend has it that if you can see the dead man walking in the storm, people are going to die. On this day, the dead man entered Jarrell. The picture in the link below shows the tornado in the multi-vortex stage before it became the huge f-5. This is spooky.

It looks like one leg planted on the ground and the other leg is taking a step. It's pretty obvious to me to see it.
Well, that didn't take long for that site to disappear. Just getting the GoDaddy page now.

I have seen the picture I think you guys are talking about. If it's the same one that was circulating when this whole thing happened, it appears the picture was taken MUCH later in the day than when the actual tornado occurred, so I don't believe it's even the same storm. If it's the same pic I am thinking of.
I watched a documentary on this one night on TLC. Spotters, chasers and others say they saw it. The website even refers to it being in Jarrell, and on the documentary they say that this is the tornado that hit Jarrell while it was in the multi-vortex stage.

This couldn't be complete without including the "Dead Man Walking" pic from Jarrell. Indian legend has it that if you see the dead man walking, you are about to die. Unfortunately, such was the case for 27 people in Jarrell that afternoon.

This is what it said on the sight.
I am just referring to the picture in conjunction with the old indian myth. I have seen it on t.v. as previously stated and on this website. If I'm wrong about any of the info I handed out about the story, I'm sorry. :cry:
I am just referring to the picture in conjunction with the old indian myth. I have seen it on t.v. as previously stated and on this website. If I'm wrong about any of the info I handed out about the story, I'm sorry. :cry:

Don't be sorry, when that first came out it was WIDELY propagated around the net. I investigated that pic quite a bit when that was running around and although I never could determine where the pic came from, I am 99.9% positive it did not come from the Jarrell storm. Alas though, it has become an urban myth now.

The reason I took so much interest on it was because it was a storm that I was on.
That's a cool picture, I've never seen it before nor have I heard of the Indian legend. I think it is in human nature to focus in on patterns that resemble the human form. Thus, the wide variety of pictures of faces in clouds, Jesus on various foods, angels or Mary in pattern on the side of buildings etc. With enough random elements, eventually one will see a face or human form. Or, one could look for other things. I am sure many of us have stared at the clouds when we were young and looked at animals or other objects in the changing shapes.

I have heard non chasers talk about Indian myths in relation to the lack of tornadoes from a specific area or a protection from tornadoes.

Bill Hark

I don't see anything except a "Coming Soon" page from godiggy.com. :?
Here is a copy I found online:

All thse links you guys are posting is taking me to a godiddy.com "Coming Soon" site...
Err.. godaddy.com... but here's the screenshot of what I get when I click on the link..
