Is Storm Chasing Out of Control?

This is nothing new, yet the media keeps recycling the same ol' stuff

"It has exploded in the last month and could be down to the plethora of storm chaser social media groups"

As if this is anything new and unexpected for the peak of tornado season.

"Social media sites are popular - but storm chasers are risking their lives"

And this is a story how? Many social media sites are popular, and people risk their lives in many
interests and activities daily. There is nothing special or unique about storms chasers. Risk is
much less than many other activities people engage in.

Fluff headlines, nothing more. No effort is even given to the headlines here to make them dramatic, they are
just cut/pasted from other articles or posts and shown as is. Lazy journalism!
I happened to be late to work when I saw this on (*gasp*, for some) Drudgereport, and thought to post it before I left. I took time to read the article over lunch today.

First, yeah, it's journalistic garbage. I've come to expect as much from most news sources. They even use the SN grab seen in another thread here on ST and don't mention the KHP road blocks that contributed to it.
Not exactly reporting ALL the facts of a matter, eh, DM?

Second, based on the comments about the article here, Drudge just went down a notch on the credibility scale. If this is not news, what are they doing linking it? If for no
other reason than sensationalism and getting ratings for their website...or just ignorant curiosity? No better than the Daily Mail itself, IMHO.

I searched the DR archive page and it looks like the article was linked from 12:02:03 GMT to 23:02:03 GMT. It's no longer on the DR site.

This is just a paraphrasing of the Slate article.

Do you have a link?