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International Tornadoes / Storms

May 11, 2014
Fargo, ND
I wanted to set this thread up as a catch all for tornadoes / supercells that happens internationally. Just leave the time/date and whatever related content that you want.
Most days I forget that North America isn't the only place that sees tornadoes...and then a video like this gives me one hell of a reminder. Fantastic vid though I hope nobody was seriously hurt.
While waiting for the first chase of 2018, i would like to share with you some videos from my homeland.
Serbia has long tornado history, and they do occur every year. Most of tornadoes are non-supercellular (landspouts), but supercellular tornadoes are not unknown.
The most powerful tornado in recent history struck Pester plateau in S part of the country in 1977. Cars were tossed away for more than 800 yards, cows were flying, and tornado stayed on the ground for more than 10 mi. Estimated wind speed according to the survey, was around 186 - 248 mph.

Pancevo, Serbia, 15 mi from capital Belgrade, 6/20/16. the most intense supercell of 2016. EF1 - EF2 rating, and hail up to 3.25 in in diameter.

Powerflashes on 1:00

Hailstorm in Pancevo, many broken windshields

5/19/19. a couple of supercells occured in Serbia. This one is from central Banat region. It had very nice structure and produced some large hail. In this video you can see launching of couple of rockets filled with AgI (silver iodide) in attempt to suppress hail.

I realize Hawaii is not "international" but I witnessed a tornado on Oahu 1/25/2004. It went through the Dole Pineapple Plantation in central Oahu, but originated in Honolulu. Here is a list of Hawaii tornadoes, and surprisingly, almost half have occurred in Honolulu, the tourist hotspot of the islands.