Interesting uses for GPS logs

Jun 22, 2005
Twin Cities, MN
I have GPS log files (.gpl) saved from DeLorme Street Atlas from a number of chases. I find SA less than desirable to view these logs, mainly because you must slowly FF through hours of log to get to the point you want. It would also be cool to have the complete route plotted out, rather than just the last xx number of point (trail).

Are there other apps out there that can use these logs in a more user friendly and direct access way? Or, overlay them on GRLevelX, or other cool uses of logs?
You can use Street Atlas draw feature as well. All you do is import a draw file. select the GPS log file you want and it draws it all on the map at once.

This capture is from this year's chases from May 5-June 16
You can also save the file as a draw layer. Then, you can use the web interface of GPSBabel and convert it to .kml file for display in Google Earth. I took my entire chase experience around Greensburg (the day after the EF5) combined with Level 3 radar archives, and overlays of tornado reports, and did a pretty neat little presentation at a local AMS meeting.
I'm not sure which Street Atlases have the feature, but if you open the log file and then click on the 'file' button that has the right arrow point on it; you can then hit 'File Preview' and it will load all of the points and show them on the map at once like what you are trying to do Tony...

Also on that same thing, under the 'file' button you can hit the 'File Details' and it will show you some nice statistics on that log. Hope this helped out some...
You can display the whole log file in SA 2006. You just need to have it draw it. Some users use GPSGate to be able to play back their logs on GRX apps.

A more convenient way would be to go directly to Google Maps/Google Earth. My current process of converting Street Atlas drawing files to Google Maps XML is rather tedious. GPSGate works with Google Earth and Google Maps I've heard, but I haven't played around with that feature and don't know if you can save/draw entire logs. Plotting your tracks on Google Maps is much more flexible than Street Atlas because you don't get stuck with a fixed screen shot. Having an interactive map that you can pan and zoom with much more detail, is a much better way to view your logs.