Interested in a paid 3-week chase?

Caleb Bailey

Please read this entire post before you contact me.

Short bio about me. I have been professionally storm chasing since 2002. I currently own and operate H1-Intercept ( a guided storm chasing tour company. For last years 2008 storm season I caught tornadoes on all but 2 tours. My best day last year was 4 tornadoes in one day on tour #6.

I am looking for a very experienced/expert chaser, (hopefully better then me) who is great at what they do, and who would be interested in storm chasing with me for 3 consecutive weeks during the next two months, April 26th thru May 16th, which will probably lead to a job offer.

For the 3 weeks this storm season, I would pay all your expenses, (except for food) but I'm not willing to pay a salary to the person I choose. What I would like to use those 3 weeks is to get to know you and see how good you are. If everything works out, then I would like to talk to you about a job offer of coming on board and chasing for all 10 weeks with me during 2010's storm season, with a paid salary. I will go over all this and a lot more with the person that I choose.

So if this is of interest to you, please e-mail me your photo and resume to: [email protected]

I have the rig and all the chase equipment. All you would need to bring is yourself, and any luggage you'd want.

Caleb Bailey
[email protected]
Here is some interesting info. This "company" is based out of Maryland and as far as I can tell it is NOT registered to operate as a tour service or any related operation. It is incorporated only as a standard corporation with no stated operations. There is also no registration found to operate for or in TX, KS, OK, or any other surrounding state in this area. It appears that probably Daddy legally owns the company.
But one of the biggest things is that it has only been in existence for less than 10 months. Sort of makes you wonder about the 7 years chasing and makes some contradictions to what is posted and claimed on the website.

Taxpayer Services Division

Dept ID #: D12562294

General Information Amendments Personal Property Certificate of Status

Principal Office (Current): 5200 CHRISTMAS PLACE

Resident Agent (Current): JOHN BAILEY

Good Standing: Yes
Business Code: Ordinary Business - Stock
Date of Formation or Registration: 05/29/2008
State of Formation: MD
Stock/Nonstock: Stock
Close/Not Close: Not Close
Since someone linked the previous thread, I'm going to post a quote from that thread that everyone should remember, especially with some of the board activity recently:
Tim Vasquez said:
Everyone keep in mind our TOS prohibits ad-hominem attacks. Factual stuff (like the photos being Mike H's) is fair game... attacks on one's personality or reputation is not.
Jim Saueressig and Dennie Sherrod. It amazes me some of the venom here. However I'm not going to get into a spitting contest with you or anyone.

That entire mess in the other thread was over a few of Mike Hollingshead's famous photos that I didn't correctly credit him for and I removed them as soon as he contacted me.

I am not here using this "forum to drum up business". I am simply looking for a fellow chase partner.
This is not as uncommon as people think. I've done it myself, twice now with local chasers. They of course didn't know I was paying for everything when they agreed to go...but they quickly figured it out when we stopped for gas and got the first hotel room.
I am not here using this "forum to drum up business". I am simply looking for a fellow chase partner.

Well since you have contributed in no other way to the forum other than to say your website was hacked by an ST member after you were caught with another chasers photos on your website and to then pop in two years later to get a chase buddy to help you find some storms it looks to me like you are trying to drum up business.

If you were looking for a chase buddy on a chase forum it would seem to me you would have been a little more involved with the forum that you are asking for this buddy on in the last two years.
Here is some interesting info. This "company" is based out of Maryland and as far as I can tell it is NOT registered to operate as a tour service or any related operation. It is incorporated only as a standard corporation with no stated operations. There is also no registration found to operate for or in TX, KS, OK, or any other surrounding state in this area. It appears that probably Daddy legally owns the company.
But one of the biggest things is that it has only been in existence for less than 10 months. Sort of makes you wonder about the 7 years chasing and makes some contradictions to what is posted and claimed on the website.

Taxpayer Services Division

Dept ID #: D12562294

General Information Amendments Personal Property Certificate of Status

Principal Office (Current): 5200 CHRISTMAS PLACE

Resident Agent (Current): JOHN BAILEY

Good Standing: Yes
Business Code: Ordinary Business - Stock
Date of Formation or Registration: 05/29/2008
State of Formation: MD
Stock/Nonstock: Stock
Close/Not Close: Not Close

I also have additional information about regarding H-1. But because of certain rules and and out of respect to ST. I won't post them in a thread, but if anyone needs information, feel free to PM me directly for information. The information is meant for those who may have had any issues with copyright photo violations or other reasonable requests, All information I have is from an extensive web and public record search.