Important Picnic Update

Jul 17, 2004
Piedmont, OK
Well, as of now, it looks like the picnic is a GO for this Saturday 1pm at my farm here in Piedmont!! Being its late and I've spent half the night typing my summary of my past chase (yeah, I'm a sloooow typer..the hunt and peck method, you know?) I'll post more details tomorrow.
But this does look like pretty much a for sure thing.

I still haven't got a hold of Linda Wade yet... I do encourage all to try to make the Wakita gathering too...even if marginal severe weather parameters come into place, I still may attend...

More tomorrow!

Could we get this message sticky-fied?

Also Rocky - I sent you Linda's contact info last week, did you receive it ok?
Originally posted by Shane Adams
Could we get this message sticky-fied?

I, along with some others, are slightly confused about the Stormtrack party vs. Twister Reunion party vs. Rocky's party vs. etc.. There have been ongoing updates in the stickied "Rocky/Stormtrack Picnic..." . I think some are confused, as Greg Stumpf questioned in the last post in that thread, as to what party is what.
Rocky's usual at-home picnic in Piedmont, OK May 21

Twister Museum picnic in Wakita, OK (hosted by Linda Wade/Rocky Rascovich) May 28
I can not make it to the 21st bash but I probably will make it to Wakita considering I am going to be there for other reasons also.

Sounds like fun!
