If you could chase with anybody, who would it be and why?

Jun 9, 2005
I've seen and heard a lot of stuff about different chasers or experts on severe weather, others I haven't seen a thing about. For that reason, if I could chase with anybody it would be Howie Bluestein, purely on what I have seen as far as documentaries and books and such. Not to say that there aren't others out there just as good, to me he has extreme knowledge of tornadic storms and to be on a chase with him would be one to remember. Also to go with Dr. Josh Wurman on the DOW truck, that would be awesome? Who would you guys chase with if you had the opportunity to go with anyone you wished?
I'd chase with Mother Nature. I think she'd be able to find one heluva storm for me, or make one... :)
Who would I have as my chase partner? Who else then the weather expert himself MR T. He seems to know alot about weather and chases storms lol ofcouse I am joking. I would say chasing with Josh Wurman and the DOW trucks would be asome also after reading the book "Big Weather" I wouldint mind chasing with Matt Biddle and Mark Sevnold or the creator of our tornado scale Mr Fujita. He has chased before hasint he?
I would like to chase with the women models from the SI Swimsuit Issue. LOL
Who would care if I saw a tornado or storm, the scenary inside the vehicle
would make good structure shots. LOL

I'd chase with Mr. T. That guy knows his met!

That, and if anyone blocks the highway, he can move that sucka right out of the way.
#1: David Hoadley--Chasing pioneer, visual artist, photographer, humorist, poet---and a budget analyst to boot who could find some way to shunt gas expenses into accounts receivable. Plus he knows locations of every Dairy Queen in the alley.

#2: Mike Hollingshead--No sense wasting any time shooting stills or video of your own because everything he shoots will make your images worthless, so you could just nap until you hear him say "Uh oh".
Id also want to chase storms with god becuase he knows where the storms will be exactly before they form and he loves everyone. :p Im sure he is a dang good speller to. lol
Id also want to chase storms with god becuase he knows where the storms will be exactly before they form and he loves everyone. :p Im sure he is a dang good speller to. lol

My thoughts exactly! :lol:

I think I'd just stick with my long-time chase partner and brother, Marc. I'm sometimes better with maps, numbers, and graphs and such. But he often has the better "nose". We make a good team and always learn from each other. Plus he's a good driver in rather adverse driving conditions, and since we always take my vehicle, well...