Ice Age is coming

Tim Gonyo

May 28, 2005
Saukville, WI
Ice ages come every 11,000 years. A mega ice age comes every 105,000 years. Both are due between now and 2012. The 11,000 year cycle happens because of increase and decrease of cyclical underwater volcanic eruption. The 105,000 mega ice age happens because of the changing shape of the orbit of the earth around the sun – circular to elliptical and then back to circular every 105,000 years.

Both the cycles are overdue. They have actually started. Europe right now is in deep freeze. Japan and South Korea are experiencing the worst snowfall ever. Even New Delhi is experiencing the worst ever fog and cold weather. Do not get surprised to see New Delhi experiencing the weather of Moscow, Miami experiencing the weather of Chicago.

Since the 105,000 cycle is overdue, the freeze can be real severe by 2012 and beyond. Some Geologists believe that global warming is causing the freeze because of manipulation of warm ocean currents and streams. The manipulation has occurred for many reasons. Global warming from human civilization is one reason. But much more serious is the cyclical increase in under ocean volcanoes and stretched geysers over miles. Such an eruption has recently been discovered in Indian Ocean stretching 45 miles releasing superheated steam to 750 degree F.

Because of this extra heat ocean is getting evaporated. The resulting precipitation is forming the snow and eventually ice. In the last ice age, Montreal in Canada was under two miles of ice. NY was less than 400 feet of ice. The southern US has no ice but had the weather of Canada with very often snow fall.

With our current technology, our civilization will survive the smaller cycle – the 11,000 year cycle that can produce a mini ice age. Food will be scarce and much of the northern hemisphere will be under deep ice with little life there. Serious migration of population will take place from north to south.

The terrestrial civilization cannot survive the mega ice age that comes every 105,000 years. In that case the ocean levels will fall by 500 feet on an average. The whole earth will be under deep ice. How do we know if the ice age that is engulfing the earth is smaller or the mega one?

Some geologists, astrophysicists and scientists believe if the mega ice age is starting then certain parts of the world will be very cold and under deep snow for a few years. At the same time many parts of the world will experience very mild winter. El Nino which is due in 2008-2009 can cause the mega ice age to come. A super volcano in Toba or Yellow Stone can also cause the mega ice age. Earth’s current orbit around the Sun suggests that any of these will instantaneously ( two months for example) put the earth into deep freeze. A burst of cosmic dusts from the center of the galaxy can also cause the same. Severe weather patterns that is taking hold of the earth are not very good signs.
I've been dreaming about an ice ages for years. Ever since I found out the last ice age formed Long Island and blocked the ocean's waves from hitting CT. So I'm not one to be putting down this theory, but I'm a liltte skeptical.

Since the late 1700's there have been several periods where everyone was crying about the coming ice age after a few cold winters. Also, pinning down the next ice age to begin within the next 6 years? That's some serious precision. About the same as forecasting snowfall down to 1/10,000th of an inch, or maybe telling me when the last flake is going to fall within a microsecond.

One or two snowy winters, and certainly a few weeks of cold weather in India does not make an ice age. The same forces that are driving record cold in India and snow in Europe are also bringing mild temperatures to the northeast United States. This isn't global warming or an ice age....its just the weather. Well within statistical standard deviations, and exactly what you'd expect in the mid-latitudes.

I do agree that we are "overdue" for an ice age, but that's not quite how the climate works. I also agree that one supervolcano or even a not so supervolcano could have a significant effect on our climate.

Edit: Wow, that's a real article in the India Daily. I'll make a mental note of that if I should ever run into another article from the India Daily. Just one question....was the timing of the ice age adjusted for the leap second we had at New Year's?
Nothing personal Tim - but your post has nothing to do with meteorology or science of any form... Sounds like an opinion, based on something other than facts, and hardly applicable to storm chasing.
I also found the article an interesting read and there is certainly no reason it shouldn't be in Weather Lab. There is problems with the first part of the article though suggesting that we are due for an ice age soon. There is some evidence we could be due for a mini ice age but to narrow it down to such a timeframe is silly. It certainly does pertain to storm chasing, or at least the distant future of it.
I guess one of those who considers meteorology (and climatology) as a science... I checked the link, and notice other articles from that website:

- Alpha Magnetic Spectrometers (AMS) start detecting strange signatures of extraterrestrial civilizations

- 2012 completes a 74,000 year cycle of super volcano – all signs point towards a massive under water eruption

- 2012 – as the piano-sized ‘New Horizons’ probe of NASA nears Pluto, will extraterrestrial UFOs from Pluto encounter it?

- Field Emission Electric Propulsion and Colloid thrusters can make space-craft with a probe travel to a black hole to encounter the extra terrestrial alien UFOs

- Cosmic dust bursts from the center of our galaxy on its way to devastate earth in 2012?

- Electromagnetic cloud surround the Zero Point Energy Modules – the secret of alien life and after death experiences

- 2012 catastrophy eminent - World records 136 tremors in one week of Dec

- 2012 – will the world survive the secret global germ warfare?

- Zero Point Energy Modules – the essentials of the unified consciousness of the Type IV extraterrestrial civilization

- Can Asteroid Toutatis go out of orbit and hit the earth in 2012? Is it being watched by extraterrestrial alien UFOs?

- 2012 - alien visitation from the Hyperspace becomes public event

- Mind control experiments for controlling mass populations – alien technologies in human hands

- Extraterrestrial UFOs repairing degrading and melting earth’s mantle?

- Communicating with Extraterrestrial alien UFOs using 5-D gravity waves – a secret no Government reveal

- The massive solar flares making the tectonic plates brittle – can these plates collapse in 2012?

- Exponentially rising solar flares can cause our consciousness float out of our bodies by 2012 – an amazing phenomenon

That's just a touch of the "scientific" articles from this publication... But I gotta ask: Tim, what's the deal with 2012?

- Rob
Originally posted by rdale
I guess one of those who considers meteorology (and climatology) as a science... I checked the link, and notice other articles from that website:

- Alpha Magnetic Spectrometers (AMS) start detecting strange signatures of extraterrestrial civilizations

- 2012 completes a 74,000 year cycle of super volcano – all signs point towards a massive under water eruption

- 2012 – as the piano-sized ‘New Horizons’ probe of NASA nears Pluto, will extraterrestrial UFOs from Pluto encounter it?

- Field Emission Electric Propulsion and Colloid thrusters can make space-craft with a probe travel to a black hole to encounter the extra terrestrial alien UFOs

- Cosmic dust bursts from the center of our galaxy on its way to devastate earth in 2012?

- Electromagnetic cloud surround the Zero Point Energy Modules – the secret of alien life and after death experiences

- 2012 catastrophy eminent - World records 136 tremors in one week of Dec

- 2012 – will the world survive the secret global germ warfare?

- Zero Point Energy Modules – the essentials of the unified consciousness of the Type IV extraterrestrial civilization

- Can Asteroid Toutatis go out of orbit and hit the earth in 2012? Is it being watched by extraterrestrial alien UFOs?

- 2012 - alien visitation from the Hyperspace becomes public event

- Mind control experiments for controlling mass populations – alien technologies in human hands

- Extraterrestrial UFOs repairing degrading and melting earth’s mantle?

- Communicating with Extraterrestrial alien UFOs using 5-D gravity waves – a secret no Government reveal

- The massive solar flares making the tectonic plates brittle – can these plates collapse in 2012?

- Exponentially rising solar flares can cause our consciousness float out of our bodies by 2012 – an amazing phenomenon

That's just a touch of the "scientific" articles from this publication... But I gotta ask: Tim, what's the deal with 2012?

- Rob

LMAO, thats hillarious. Heck if it gets a discussion started on the issue im all for it.

That 2012 thats the part that I didn't get. Perhaps it's some sort of cult thing.
Perhaps they chose it because there is a big stigma around the year 2012 due to the Mayan calender ending. The Mayan calender is one of the oldest known and most accurate calenders in existence. Why it ends in 2012 nobody knows... But my thought is that the calender had to end sometime (an infinite calender wouldn't make sense).
If I recall correctly from my Inadvertent Climate Modification course, ice ages are due more to the cyclical change in the Earth's tilt, which oscillates between 21.5 and 22.5 degrees. Ice ages tend to occur with less tilt leading to warmer winters and colder summers which results in less seasonal snow melt, allowing glaciers to steadily expand. Typically colder snowier winters are offset by hot summers allowing all winter snowfall to melt.
Originally posted by Jason McKittrick
If I recall correctly from my Inadvertent Climate Modification course, ice ages are due more to the cyclical change in the Earth's tilt, which oscillates between 21.5 and 22.5 degrees. Ice ages tend to occur with less tilt leading to warmer winters and colder summers which results in less seasonal snow melt, allowing glaciers to steadily expand. Typically colder snowier winters are offset by hot summers allowing all winter snowfall to melt.

That's probably the biggest factor, but other things can help contribute to this. A big volcanic eruption coinciding with a favorable earth tilt cycle could get you into an ice age. The main point is, it isn't just the earth's tilt. The eccentricity of the earth's orbit also contributes, among smaller planetary factors.

Take a big white sheet and spread it over Canada and you'd spiral into an ice age fairly quickly.
Yep I started to wonder about the implications of this post until I went to the site and right under the article saw:

"Extraterrestrial UFOs traveling from other Universes come through pulsars and get guidance from pulsars"
India Daily Technology Team
Dec. 28, 2005

LOL! No further comment needed. :lol: