How much snow would you like to see every year>

How much snow would you like to see every year?

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T for trace would be good.. 00.00 is even better.

I've seen more snow this season than I ever ever ever want to see again.. Next year I'm moving south
I picked 100 inches or more. Having grown up here in Michigan, I can't even fathom not having any snow. We have 2 severe weather seasons, and the worse they are, the happier I am :)

C'mon Mike, you can't tell me you don't like it :wink: You of course get the brunt of it though being by the lake!
less than 10. a couple light snows a year are ok, just enough to cover the ground and make snowmen. it's best when it's not cold enough to mess up the roads and it's gone in a couple days. I don't think I'd like living somewhere there's snow on the ground weeks at a time.
100+. Living in OKC, we have alot of catching up to do...catching up to the rest of the state......grrrrrrrrrr!!!

Chris Sokol/KD5ILI
Mobile Weather Concepts
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
One good snow a year will satisfy me, meaning it stays on the gound a few days. I like it when things get "shut down," it's cool to see weather having an impact of that magnitude on human life. We get so caught up in ourselves with all the technology and everything, it's kinda funny to me when Ma Nature steps in and says "Ok children, settle down."

But it's almost tornado season now, and it's obvious Norman drew the shortest straw with Winter weather, so I don't care about snow. I'm looking for a warming trend so we can start taking advantage of all these systems that have rained us for days and yielded little snow. It's time to start thawing out and get serious about the 2004 chase year.
I love driving in the snow as long as its not knee deep. I cant believe that Dallas got more snow than Amarillo :shock: . It must have been a nightmare in big D. They shut everything down when they see a snowflake. 5 inches is a blizzard to them. Bet the body shops will be backlogged for 6 months. :D
Originally posted by Jay McCoy
I love driving in the snow as long as its not knee deep. I cant believe that Dallas got more snow than Amarillo :shock: . It must have been a nightmare in big D. They shut everything down when they see a snowflake. 5 inches is a blizzard to them. Bet the body shops will be backlogged for 6 months. :D

I personally find snow quite easy to drive in and we had absolutley no problems in Dallas as it was entirely snow was a very different story last year around this time.

Although this last event dropped a reasonable amount of snow on the DFW area, it by no means compares to snows I've seen in the past there. I remember February of 1978 when Dallas had about 14 inches of snow. That's when it starts becoming a pain..... and then came the great New Years Eve ice storm of '78/79 *that* was a disaster. IMHO, a severe ice storm is *really* the type of storm you should worry about.

Ofcourse Gene you are used to driving in "intense" wx so snow shouldn't be a big concern. I personally love driving and playing in the snow (its the idiot behind me I worry about). I am talking about the regular citizen that usually drives 80 down I35 about 18 inches behind another car :shock: Looks more like Daytona. The only place I have driven that was more insane was Houston. Those folks are dnagerous. :lol:
I voted for "0-10" inches.

When you live in Michigan, you see plenty more snow then you want to see.

Unlike TX, OK & KS where rural residents probley say "I see plenty more tornadoes then I want to see" :shock: :?
100+ inches so long as, like Mike said, it falls "not here." I wouldn't mind one or two good snowfalls (enough to go sledding), but walking to class in the crap every day for months (and tracking salt, sand, and water all over my apartment) gets pretty old after a while. However, a nice snow pack over the north might help invigorate spring systems by providing an enhanced temperature gradient. Woohoo for tornadoes!