how many is your chase groups??

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jamie Lahowetz
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My wife is a good luck charm. The first time she came with us, we saw a tornado two hours after she joined us. And it was on a day where we only expected to see a little lightning if that. The only day she chased with us last year was May 29th. We all know what happened that day!
I love my wife dearly but the last time I took her chasing she read her paperback mystery novel the whole way. We were in a small town in KS parked under a store awning with tornado sirens and fierce wind and rain pounding the car. And she would not stop reading! :x :shock: :)
2004 was the first year I had chased with others on a regular basis. I would have to say after chasing alone for many years it is a lot more fun chasing with others. Chad, Shane, Jo, and myself always seem to make something of it even when there's nothing. I have learned a lot form chasing with them and would rather not go back to chasing alone again.

I personally started chasing by my self in 1999 it wasnt till 2002 that i had some one from California come with me to take some pictures of lightning. up untill 2004 for I had maybe one other person come with me. But last year 2004 I had a partner for 2 weeks then I was on my own for 1 week and about 3 days. But during those times alone I wound up running into a few people on this forum in fact. And a few that are not. This year i kinda have the same situation going on as last but its fine with me. Who evers around and wants to join in i guess is cool.I discovered last year I dont like carvans over five cars. But what evers clever. I try to keep my max in car compacity to 2 people but a possible third might work.
Im very comfortable by my self.
For the past 2 years I have gone with a tour group and plan to do so again this year. When you are waiting for things to start happening, there are others there to talk with and joke with. I don't think that it would be AS much fun if I was alone. This year, before and after the Tour dates, I plan on chasing a few times with another chaser that doesn't live too far away.
Chasing alone or with someone

On my local chases here in N.TX it is almost always a chase by myself. This is because things pop up fast and I must integrate it with the rest of my life. I did have a local chase partner who was marvelous.. She worked for Search and Rescue and was on some tough missions.
When we chased together, she squealed like a little girl at the forks of lightning and other spectacular storm formations. She has since gotten married and moved to England.
Last Spring, before they left, she, her husband and I once chased the same supercell from different positions and coordinated via cell phone. What a joy that was to compare notes.
I took a buddy of mine on a 105 mile drive into a slight risk area to our East last January. It was his goal to photograph his first lightning bolt with his new digital camera. What a joy it was to see him jump up and down and exclaim "I got it! I got it!" when he got that shot off a motel balcony.
Usually when I go locally, it's just me and the elements as well as super - low tech - or high tech as one might define it. I take along a notebook and pen so that I might receive "Divine Guidance" through the practice of Guided Writing, as to the best place to position once in the field and the timing.
I find it also a wonderful time to go on a personal Vision Quest and examine my life. In the thick of intense storms, making flash decisions and witnessing that intense drama, I find that I meet new and interesting parts of myself.
Usually its just my dad and I.........but some times my mom comes along but not too often since she thinks its stupid lol. I have a feeling once I can drive I'll be more of a solo chaser, only one more year left till i'm 16!
Depends on the situation, I guess... normally I chase alone or with one partner. It all depends on how long I'll be gone. I love chasing in a caravan of chasers, and had the chance many times in 2004 to do so. When I'm chasing Eastern Colorado from Denver (an afternoon thing), I usually venture out on my own, perhaps running into someone along the way. In any case, I usually chase solo in my own vehicle and in a caravan of other chasers along the way.

I have partnered up with people on extended chases. My girlfriend has accompanied me on afternoon chases in Eastern Colorado as well as two day trips as far as eastern Kansas. She, too, usually finds ways to pass the time when things aren't in urgent mode, but she's great company.

Basically, I love chasing in a caravan of chasers, and usually prefer to keep it that way! 8)
I like chase alone but there are times I like companions. On short drives, I usually go alone. This way, if mess up a chase I have nobody to blame but myself. I've had too many great chase targets, only to be changed to compromise with a parners' thoughts, and then miss everything. The company is enjoyed on longer chases and splitting the larger expenses sure helps.

It's hard to beat jumping in the car alone after the 12z model runs, flipping on my favotite station, and cruising down the road. On the flip side, after a long battle driving, it's nice to have someone else take the controls while I relax. Going solo and partnering both have certain advantages and I try and do a bit of both.
Ah, but Justin, how many of the world's problems did we solve out on the road together... and so much of our friendship was forged on the road, particularly on drives home... and how much did you enjoy clocking me in the head with your elbow in excitement during the Hader Nader... :P

I heavily favor chasing with my meteorology classmates, particularly the advanced ones. We help eachother find God and understand what we are going through in our lives. Chasing by myself has an empty ring to it anymore.

However, after 5/22 and 5/24 last year, I genuinely wish to avoid chaser convergence. I fear for my life around a lot of those drivers.
Ok, now I have Time to give this topic the thought it needs.
I was taught not to chase alone. Safety was the reason. While driveing and doing everythinh else you can not give everything the attn. it needs.
I have been a chaser for 30 years now. Even now I have trouble going by my self I can still hear the little voice telling me I am nuts. I do from time to time go alone. My wife goes now and takes the photos,Helps nav.,and just keeps me on track. Our chase van is set up for 3,with room for three more to ride along. I now have become disabled, but it seems that it will allow me to still chase all I want... :wink:
Chasing alone is not only a safety issue, with only one set of eyes, you could miss out on some action. On April 17, 1995 a friend of mine was chasing alone. He is a very good chaser, but missed one obvious tornado. There is video from Howie Bluestein’s van looking out the back window. In the foreground is my friend driving his car right behind them. Behind my friend is the Comanche tornado. My friend never new it was there.
I almost always chase alone. Wise? Perhaps not. But it is a great opportunity to be alone, out of the hectic mainstream of life, and think (at least during the drive to and from the target area).

I tried partner chasing in 2004 for the first time. It can certainly be more fun (and convenient) at times, but I would not want to do it on a regular basis. It all depends on the partner, I suppose.

I have never chased in a group, but I would like to try it at least once.
When I'm at OU, I usually just scramble around trying to find people. I generally have a "regular" crew that goes with me. When I'm home for the summer, I love it when my dad comes with me. Then, I have someone else who can drive while I do all the spotting. That, and if I'm east of I-35, my dad is better than any map. I just say, "I want to go [here]" and he immediately starts rattling off highways and backroads.