how many is your chase groups??

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There has been only twice in my chase career that I have chased with someone else. Other than that I always chase alone
Chasing alone

I generally am alone in the vehice. However, since I stay failry local, I also have another partner in another vehicle and we stay in touch via cell phone through a base. The guy at the base is watching the radar and reporting back to the radio station, We report into him our location and observations sometimes live.

It's rather interesting and certainly different than chasing on information gathered during the day. We still have to be on top of what we are looking at and what to look for though. Sometimes radar updates can be 15 minutes or more (I keep trying to get them off a single radar site!)

I've taken a couple of folks with me, but there simply isn't a whole lot of room in my pickup for another person. Especially if they're not well versed in how to operate a laptop and GPS.

That's not to say I wouldn't go with a group of folks and basically surround an area. I think that could be pretty slick. But the lone chase warrior over long distances? Not really.

I was lucky to meet a great group of chasers early in my chase life, and I've learned a ton from those guys and continue to do so. There are about twelve of us that have chased together, either in the same vehicles or in convoys, for almost ten years now. I don't know that I wouild have stuck it out through some of the very lean years without them.
Just me, myself and I....we kill the drive time by "commenting" on other drivers, and backroads that make the unexpected right angle turn in the wrong direction. :lol:

I would enjoy going out with more experienced chasers a few times for the learning experience (among other things); even chasing should have an apprenticeship program! :wink:

Be well, TR
Well given I can't really drive, because of my legally blindness in my right eye, I have to rely on others to drive. Well actually, I could drive, however it would be more difficult for me, and since I just barely passed the eye exam and given there's too many idiots out there, I don't feel too comfortable.

Most of the time, I chase with my uncle... we are very close, and share the same interest in storms. And sometimes I will head out with some of my chaser friends.
I should answer my own topic ;)

In the past I chased alone. All through high school i did that but got tired of when i saw something really amazing and said "Isnt that AWSOME" only to look over and see that I'm sharing it with no one. Now I chase with my roommate. But, in recent times I have missed chases because he had the day off and felt like doing something else, which is fine. It seems so much easier to navigate and watch the sky while someone else drives. I have a few other people that have asked me and i havent taken them for various reasons, one of which use to stand out side with me in the cool summer rain and watch the lightning come through. I guess i would prefer to chase with someone else but am willing to chase alone if i have to.
I have little preference actually... I started off in '99 and '00 chasing with a friend of mine in MN. Since then, I've chased alone many times, and find it refreshing sometimes. Typically, I chase with one other person, be it my MN best friend or my girlfriend (who chased with me most of the pitiful year that was 2002). This year, however, I've picked up a few more chasers -- Gabe Garfield, Phil Hurlburt, Grant Hicks, Chad Ringley, Dan Dawson, etc etc etc -- all of whom I chased with at least twice this year. While solo chases are refreshing, chasing with some of my friends can be very enlightening, as we tend to have excellent discussions oftentimes before or after a chase. Additionally, it's nice to get different input sometimes, especially when there's a big decision to be made.
Nearly all of my chases are solo, although occasionally I will go with a partner and for many years took one trip a year with a group. The group of chasers I took 1-2 week trips with each year up until last year has varied from as few as 4 to as many as 8. We usually caravaned in 2 or 3 vehicles, but always stayed in one hotel room (even the year we had 8 people with us!). It was a great way to cut down on costs, and we always came up with great ways to keep everyone else entertained during the down time. But like Angie said, it's very important to share common goals and to communicate with each other...differences in common goals and problems with establishing communication are why I don't go in large groups anymore.
I have two chasing worlds: Plains/hurricane chasing and local chasing. Each have totally different characteristics in about every chase-related subject we discuss, including this one.

Locally, I have never chased with anyone. In 11 years, all of my WV/PA/OH/KY chases have been solo. There are a few chasers in this region scattered about, but none close enough to really team up on a chase.

In the Plains (and on other long-haul trips like hurricanes or east coast outbreaks), I am almost always with at least one person. In fact, it was other chasers (Dave Crowley, Bill Coyle, etc) who got me out of WV into the Plains. Since I started Plains chasing with a team, I'm rarely by myself during chase vacations.

If scheduling and distances prohibit me from meeting up with my usual chase friends, I'll chase alone - which happens from time to time. But, if I happen to meet people at a chaser convergence that are willing to team up, I'm always happy to have the company.

In all cases, I prefer to chase with a group/team. The weather by itself is awesome, but people make the experience more enjoyable. Also, more people means more brains and more non-driving hands/eyes - which often means better decision making, navigating and spotting of features.
Most of the time I go with a partner when chasing, it makes navigating and spotting easier. Also the drive home is not as boring with someone to talk to. I do not mind going alone either though. I find that with the HAM there is always someone to talk to.
I either chase alone...or go with my friend Dave, who lives right across the street from me, so its very easy to coordinate with each meeting places or anything. When he's not available, I have gone with some of the other guys from here in central Illinois...(Scott Kampas, Colin Davis to name a couple) So, its either alone, or with one other person...though I've chased with as many as 4, but only on a couple days.
I have chased with up to 21 others + media tagalongs.
I do not like chasing on my own much. I have done it a few times, but it is much better with the company of others with the same interests.
I usually chase alone. I don't have anyone nearby that enjoys weather. I have a great chase partner in Herrin, IL but that is 2 hours south of me. My chases are usually confined to the central section of Illinois. I've taken my wife a few times, but she really hates it. I wish she would go more often, the best chases are always with her!

I would take somebody with me, if they are nearby and have some type of weather knowledge.