Hinting game: weather!

This day was a moderate outbreak across the southern and central plains, made famous by a tornado that paid a visit to a turn pike and the golden arches.
A couple screen captures to maybe help. Please forgive the quality, these go back almost ten years.... ;)


This tornado passed just south of a town with the same name as an actor that portrayed someone who loved Judge Wapner and K-Mart.... :D
The answer is May 20th, 2001. :)

Moderate tornado outbreak across eastern Oklahoma, central Kansas, western Arkansas and Missouri. Most notable tornado was a multi-vortex F2 that traveled just south of Highway 9 in central Oklahoma. It then pushed east across Wetumka and Dustin to the Indian Nation Turnpike where it damaged a toll booth and a McDonald's. 25 total tornadoes in the region......

Sorry man... Was beginning to think it was such a small outbreak that it was going to take a while before someone got it.... Didn't want to hold up the game.... :(
Guess the date:

  • An outbreak of tornadoes on the western and high plains.
  • Had an unusual northwest moving large tornado.
  • Virtually no chasers saw the Colorado tornado(es), but many saw tornadoes further east.
  • The 13z outlook was MDT.