Hinting game: weather!

  • Most tornadoes in any state in this particular month, and the most tornadoes ever in one outbreak (at any time of year) in this state.
  • This state's capital city was hard hit.
  • Only 1 'violent' (F4) tornado, though there were 7 F3s; one of which happened near a town that had a close encounter with a tornado 4 days prior
  • Most tornadoes in any state in this particular month, and the most tornadoes ever in one outbreak (at any time of year) in this state.
  • This state's capital city was hard hit.
  • Only 1 'violent' (F4) tornado, though there were 7 F3s; one of which happened near a town that had a close encounter with a tornado 4 days prior

Addition: Meteorological winter.

Edit: Not 2.9.2008.
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January 1999. Arkansas outbreak between the 17th and the 21st. (If I remember correctly.) I lived in Batesville, AR at the time and spent pretty much that whole time wondering why I was living in such a tornado infested state with no basement. Oil Trough may be the town that got hit twice that you are referring to.
January 1999. Arkansas outbreak between the 17th and the 21st. (If I remember correctly.) I lived in Batesville, AR at the time and spent pretty much that whole time wondering why I was living in such a tornado infested state with no basement. Oil Trough may be the town that got hit twice that you are referring to.

Correct. 1.21.1999 is the date I had in mind; and you are correct about Oil Trough (which had close calls on 1.17 and 1.21.)

Your turn, Penny!
Correct. 1.21.1999 is the date I had in mind; and you are correct about Oil Trough (which had close calls on 1.17 and 1.21.)

Your turn, Penny!

I almost drove into the one on the 17th in Oil Trough. I had to go pick up my daughter in Newark and had the CD playing in the truck and the sun was shining when I left home. Come out of the hills and start getting pelted by hail. Look to the SE and about went in the ditch. The whole time I was PO'd because I didn't have my camera. Got to Newark right when the RFD hit. Power lines were sparking together like crazy.

A little side fact to that outbreak...a week earlier we had been affected by a huge ice storm. Knocked out power in some areas for over 4 days. I remember it because I worked in one of the few bars (dry county) in town at the Ramada Inn and we had all of the out of state crews staying there. So in just over a week we went from a winter ice storm to a tornado outbreak. And once again we lost power for 4 days because the tornado that hit Newark took out the substation outside of town by the coal power plant. Weather is amazing!

- State not usually known for tornadoes
- Late winter event
- 2 fatalities
- been 33 years since state had fatalities from a tornado
One of Canada’s deadliest tornadoes.

A tornado most people haven’t heard of in a well-known outbreak.

Near the path of an earlier, even deadlier tornado.

Hit a winter sports facility (but did not occur in winter).