Hey! Why is the beginner posting in the advanced section?

I disagree. Being a tornado chaser doesn't mean you're setting yourself up for disappointment, it just means you're setting your standards for what is "success" higher. I enjoy all aspects of chasing, but just because I enjoy the chase doesn't mean it was successful. Anything less than a tornado I consider a bust, yet a bust is still something I get great pleasure from. Being a chaser is awesome, win or lose. So don't be discouraged from chasing the tornado just because the odds are stacked a bit more.

Well, I'm sort of the same mindset, Shane. It's really all about what you consider a bust and how you handle one. I started out wanting to see a tornado every time I chase. After my first season, my definition of a bust changed. Now, I only consider a chase a failure if I bust with a clear sky, or I fail to learn something from my mistakes.

I just want to make sure that anyone getting involved in chasing knows exactly what they are getting themselves into. I hate to see people take up something that interests them, and then give up because they don't obtain instant results.

To be honest, I'm not sure I would enjoy chasing if I didn't suffer from my bad luck. My failures and let-downs keep me coming back for more. I'm a glutton for punishment. It's probably the same reason I keep playing golf even though I'm terrible.
Well, I'm sort of the same mindset, Shane. It's really all about what you consider a bust and how you handle one. I started out wanting to see a tornado every time I chase. After my first season, my definition of a bust changed. Now, I only consider a chase a failure if I bust with a clear sky, or I fail to learn something from my mistakes.

I just want to make sure that anyone getting involved in chasing knows exactly what they are getting themselves into. I hate to see people take up something that interests them, and then give up because they don't obtain instant results.

To be honest, I'm not sure I would enjoy chasing if I didn't suffer from my bad luck. My failures and let-downs keep me coming back for more. I'm a glutton for punishment. It's probably the same reason I keep playing golf even though I'm terrible.

I'm the same way Chris. I think failure keeps me coming back for more. If we got a tornado on every chase, it would soon become boring. I like it to be challenging.

Like yourself, I define a bust as having clear skies the entire chase. It doesn't happen too often, but it has and hopefully I learned from it.

By the way, we need to get together and go golfing next spring or summer. I'm no good either, but it's fun to take my frustration out on a little white ball!