Here comes Matthew!!

Yeah Carrie. Looks quite familiar to me considering it has me directly in the forecast path once again. Ivan went two counties to my west and I clocked 86.5 mph winds with it. Maybe I will get more tornadoes to chase in this one. Ivan gave me three within a 30 minute time period and a 10 mile radius. Go Matthew Go!
Matthew will simply add to the already insane number of tornadoes that have occured this year over the Gulf coast/southeastern U.S. associated with torpical systems! Floodings going to be a major issue once again as well.
Matthew doesn't look to be any type of wind threat at all. Possibly may only be a depression at landfall, due to the shear. While us TX folks are glad he didn't come up here (don't have a boat to float around on and we all know Houston loves to get, well......deep) it is a given those in his path will once again be drenched and don't need it. Matt is bringing me awesome temps and clouds, this is so nice. Sure going to be nice to tailgate tomorrow in 70s instead of the 90s last Sunday, I about had heatstroke out in the lot at Reliant. Have fun chasing Brett, post pics!